D O C . 1 7 9 N O V E M B E R 1 9 1 9 1 5 3 the honor of inviting you, is supposed to confer, on the basis of reports presented to it, about the university’s program and decide all steps that are necessary toward making possible the erection of the university in the next few years. For this pur- pose, during plenary sessions and committee deliberations, the conference will have to decide the following points: 1. Tuition structure in the fields of Jewish studies, philosophy, and philology. 2. The faculties of science and medicine. 3. The subjects of law, sociology, and economics. 4. Organizational and technical issues regarding the teaching staff, financial funding, and physical preparations for the university. In time, the participants will receive a more exact program of the meetings. We also hope to be able to convey to participants before the opening of the conference a list of issues to be treated by the individual groups.[5] These consultations will be of critical importance for the monumental undertak- ing of a university for the Jewish people. A number of prominent scholars have ac- cepted participation in the conference. We do not doubt that you will also follow our call and request your acquiescence as soon as possible to attend. With great respect, S. Levin P.S. Due to the unusual expense caused by the exchange rate in various countries, the organization is happy to reimburse the same upon request. 179. From Paul Oppenheim Frankfurt-am-M[ain], 46 Guiollett St., 27 November 1919 My esteemed Professor, Last Saturday Prof. Born held a talk at the local Physics Association on the gen. theory of relativity on the same day (1st morning edition of the Frankfurter Zei- tung of 30th Sept.) an article appeared by him on the same topic.[1] This talk drew such crowds as I have never seen before in that room for lack of seating the people stood in throngs between the rows of benches, and there was general excitement at the announcement—which was news to me, too—that the solar eclipse expedition has now yielded quantitative verification as well.[2] The purpose of these lines is to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and to express quite artlessly the pure joy that we have such a man among “us”—in the double sense.[3] But there is another thing too that I cannot suppress: I heard that you declined a call to Holland,
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D O C . 1 7 9 N O V E M B E R 1 9 1 9 1 5 3 the honor of inviting you, is supposed to confer, on the basis of reports presented to it, about the university’s program and decide all steps that are necessary toward making possible the erection of the university in the next few years. For this pur- pose, during plenary sessions and committee deliberations, the conference will have to decide the following points: 1. Tuition structure in the fields of Jewish studies, philosophy, and philology. 2. The faculties of science and medicine. 3. The subjects of law, sociology, and economics. 4. Organizational and technical issues regarding the teaching staff, financial funding, and physical preparations for the university. In time, the participants will receive a more exact program of the meetings. We also hope to be able to convey to participants before the opening of the conference a list of issues to be treated by the individual groups.[5] These consultations will be of critical importance for the monumental undertak- ing of a university for the Jewish people. A number of prominent scholars have ac- cepted participation in the conference. We do not doubt that you will also follow our call and request your acquiescence as soon as possible to attend. With great respect, S. Levin P.S. Due to the unusual expense caused by the exchange rate in various countries, the organization is happy to reimburse the same upon request. 179. From Paul Oppenheim Frankfurt-am-M[ain], 46 Guiollett St., 27 November 1919 My esteemed Professor, Last Saturday Prof. Born held a talk at the local Physics Association on the gen. theory of relativity on the same day (1st morning edition of the Frankfurter Zei- tung of 30th Sept.) an article appeared by him on the same topic.[1] This talk drew such crowds as I have never seen before in that room for lack of seating the people stood in throngs between the rows of benches, and there was general excitement at the announcement—which was news to me, too—that the solar eclipse expedition has now yielded quantitative verification as well.[2] The purpose of these lines is to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and to express quite artlessly the pure joy that we have such a man among “us”—in the double sense.[3] But there is another thing too that I cannot suppress: I heard that you declined a call to Holland,

