2 8 8 D O C S . 3 4 6 , 3 4 7 M A R C H 1 9 2 0 [etc.] are involved on the other, a connection seems to exist between the weighting of the lowest quantum state and Nernst’s theorem. If you would like to see in what connection these questions occurred to me, you can gather this from a perusal of §1 of the enclosed paper.[1] The whole thing is a direct extension of our last conversation in autumn of last year. Cordial regards, yours, Walter Schottky. 346. Ilse Einstein to the Protestant Synod of Berlin [Berlin,] 9 March 1920 Prof. Einstein charged me with informing you of the following regarding your letter of 26 Feb. of this y[ear].[1] That the Schöneberg Municipality of Berlin re- ferred Prof. Einstein and his wife to you for collection of church tax as registered Protestants must definitely be based on error. Prof. Einstein and his wife never were members of any denominational community however, they descend from Jewish parents.[2] The Schöneberg municipality of Berlin presumably arrived at this erro- neous conclusion because Prof. Einstein’s mother, who died 16 days ago, was bur- ied in the city cemetery on Max Street, Schöneberg.[3] As Prof. Einstein and his wife never were members of the Protestant Church, they are obviously not in a po- sition to submit certified proof of withdrawal from that congregation either. Respectfully, Secretary. 347. From Paul Ehrenfest [Leyden,] 10 –12 March 1920[1] Dear, dear Einstein! All of us are sorry to know that you all went through such a very hard time.[2] All the trouble that you are being burdened with only makes you dearer to us! I had to give 3 lectures on the theory of relativity (altogether 6 hours) for the “Volksuniversiteit” in Amsterdam.[3] I refused at first. But now I have done it after
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2 8 8 D O C S . 3 4 6 , 3 4 7 M A R C H 1 9 2 0 [etc.] are involved on the other, a connection seems to exist between the weighting of the lowest quantum state and Nernst’s theorem. If you would like to see in what connection these questions occurred to me, you can gather this from a perusal of §1 of the enclosed paper.[1] The whole thing is a direct extension of our last conversation in autumn of last year. Cordial regards, yours, Walter Schottky. 346. Ilse Einstein to the Protestant Synod of Berlin [Berlin,] 9 March 1920 Prof. Einstein charged me with informing you of the following regarding your letter of 26 Feb. of this y[ear].[1] That the Schöneberg Municipality of Berlin re- ferred Prof. Einstein and his wife to you for collection of church tax as registered Protestants must definitely be based on error. Prof. Einstein and his wife never were members of any denominational community however, they descend from Jewish parents.[2] The Schöneberg municipality of Berlin presumably arrived at this erro- neous conclusion because Prof. Einstein’s mother, who died 16 days ago, was bur- ied in the city cemetery on Max Street, Schöneberg.[3] As Prof. Einstein and his wife never were members of the Protestant Church, they are obviously not in a po- sition to submit certified proof of withdrawal from that congregation either. Respectfully, Secretary. 347. From Paul Ehrenfest [Leyden,] 10 –12 March 1920[1] Dear, dear Einstein! All of us are sorry to know that you all went through such a very hard time.[2] All the trouble that you are being burdened with only makes you dearer to us! I had to give 3 lectures on the theory of relativity (altogether 6 hours) for the “Volksuniversiteit” in Amsterdam.[3] I refused at first. But now I have done it after

