6 8 D O C U M E N T S 8 4 , 8 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 1
84. To Rudolf Goldschmidt
[Berlin,] 8 March 1921
Dear Mr. Goldschmidt,
I confirm receipt of the writ[ten] notice regarding our oral
I am
happy to stay in regular contact with you in this way, especially since I gladly admit
that your ideas are among the most original I have become acquainted with in a
long time.
In great respect.
85. To Maurice Solovine
[Berlin,] 8 March 1921
Dear Solovine,
Thank you very much for your kind
But are you getting the 10% per
copy that I had also intended for
If you couldn’t carry that through, then
simply keep the third installment of the amount due me (from the 20%). I see from
your question how conscientiously you did the translation. I therefore hereby also
grant you explicitly the translation rights and promise you that I will always make
available to you for translation whatever I would like to publish in French. To what
extent do mathematical things come into consideration? I approve of the
That d[amned] Lucien Fabre simply forged my foreword in that he—without
asking me, re-doctored letters that had not even originated directly from me, but
had been sprinkled with French civility by an acquaintance of
as a
If you can help me put the culprit in the pillory, you’ll be doing me a
very great service. I haven’t read the book by
at all, so I don’t know
whether it’s worth anything. You will soon be receiving my short Academy speech
together with an addendum for
What must you think of me when you
receive for translation such muck from me—by the way, I do have to ask the Acad-
emy. Maybe those chauvinists do not allow publications in
I am not keen on going to America, but am just doing it on behalf of the Zionists,
who have to beg for dollars for the educational institutions in Jerusalem, for which
I must serve as famed bigwig and
If we were the least bit inter-
changeable, I would gladly have you go in my
On the other hand, I am
doing whatever I can for my brethren, who are being treated so vilely
Altogether, I think we would understand each other very well if we
saw each other again. I do not believe the undeserved praise has blackened my soul.