D O C U M E N T 2 0 6 A U G U S T 1 9 2 1 1 4 1
Association, and, of course, above all the regional affiliate of the Phys. Soc.). How-
ever, the time before the start of the semester (on the 2nd of Nov.) would be some-
what inconvenient; but “the devil take whoever keeps to it!” It would be very nice
if you could still be here on Friday the 4th of Nov. and lecture. Do discuss the
scheduling issue with Dr.
Because of the invitations I shall naturally
have to know the final date by about 15 October.
I have been slaving a lot, particularly on the new ed. of my
and am now
ripe for vacation. This semester I produced 4 doctors (Pauli among them) and 1 pri-
vate lecturer
All this at the expense of some sweat.
The systematics of X-ray spectra is in the best of order and light is gradually
being cast on the anomalous Zeeman
At the moment Weyl is
a truly impressive personality. I have the feeling
as though just a tiny difference remained between you and him. He intends to
remove by his “attitude” the practical effect of his gauge variations, and you intend,
if you take the ’s as ratios, to limit the indefiniteness of the world
Wishing you pleasant sailing in Kiel harbor and a good breeze,
A. Sommerfeld.
205. From Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
Hotel Titlis, Engelberg, 13 August 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
206. To Elsa Einstein
[Kiel,] 14 August
Dear Else,
My silence is well meant, not with any bad intentions. I’m very much looking
forward to the
however it is; the
are, too. The air will be fine for
us, just as everything else will. I send my thanks also to
It’s magnif-
icent here. The technical affair is going very well, success is assured and of great
importance to
I don’t know, either, when exactly I’m coming home. Haldane
is supposedly in
Send him a telegram, if necessary. Merkel wants to
speak with
perhaps you should telephone him that you could act as interme-
Heartfelt greetings, yours,
I couldn’t stay longer with the children so as not to be surprised by nightfall, espe-
cially considering that we had absolutely no