2 1 8 I N D E X
Eddington, Arthur S. (1882–1944), 84, 135
AE on, 156
on Eddington 1921e, 107
in Germany, 148
pacifism of, 125
unified field theory of, 119, 156
Ehrenfest, Anna (Galinka) (1910–1979), paint-
ings of, 36
Ehrenfest, Arthur (1862–1931), 15, 20, 25
Ehrenfest, Hugo, 26, 48
Ehrenfest, Paul (1880–1933), 15, 17, 19, 22, 43,
81, 82, 89, 107, 113, 118, 151, 182
AE on, 211
AE on violins for daughters of, 67
on AE’s lecturing on non-relativity topics, 36
on AE’s planned lectures at University of Ley-
den, 48–49
on AE’s political moves in the Netherlands,
48–49, 57
on AE’s proposal for radiation experiment, 25
on AE’s reluctance to travel, 27
on AE’s US lecture tour, 25, 48
on being prepared to be Bohr’s assistent, 209
on Bjerrum, 209
on Bohr, 209
on Busch’s performance, 27
children of, 21, 182; AE plays with, 183
on feeling happy in Bohr’s home, 209
on Hebrew University, 57
on his brothers, 26
on Ioffe, 26, 108–109
invites AE to lecture in Leyden, 17–18
on possible trip by AE to Holland, 57
praises AE’s Zionist mission tour, 57
reports on AE’s Dutch finances, 17
requests that AE forward paper for publication,
requests AE’s help in getting visa for
Rozhdestvensky, 18
Russian physicists, requests AE’s intervention
for visa for, 26
Solvay Congress, Third
requests visa for, 36
stands in for Bohr, 27, 44
vacations in Copenhagen, 209
visits Berlin, 108, 110
wishes to visit US, 25–26, 48
Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1905–1984), 48
vacations in Copenhagen, 209
wishes to visit US, 26
Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, Tatiana (1876–1964),
Ehrenfest family, AE stays with, 183
Ehrenhaft, Felix (1879–1952), 19, 30
experiments on elementary electric charge, 32
subelectrons of, 190
Ehrenhaft-Steindler, Olga (1879–1933), 20, 30
Ehrwald (Tirol), 176
Einstein Donation Fund. See Albert-Einstein-
ALBERT (1879–1955)
bank account in the Netherlands, 17, 22
financial help for Zurich family, 5–6, 148
French translations, 118
Methuen publishing house, 21
publication of Princeton lectures, 93
money left in US, 157
needs funds in the Netherlands and Switzer-
land, 81
refrigerator, with Nernst, 135
American Jewish Physicians Committee, 56
Association for the Promotion of Mathematical
and Scientific Education, Japan, 161, 182,
183, 189
City College of New York, 93
Columbia University, 100, 105
Düsseldorf, 189
German Red Cross, on his impressions in US,
International Congress of Philosophy, 202
King’s College, 92, 96
National Academy of Sciences, 50
Princeton University, 50, 81, 91, 93
University of Bologna, 111, 124, 142, 151,
163, 166, 169, 183
University of Chicago, 93
University of Geneva, 167
University of Manchester, 72, 96
University of Munich, 79, 121, 124, 139, 141,
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

2 1 8 I N D E X
Eddington, Arthur S. (1882–1944), 84, 135
AE on, 156
on Eddington 1921e, 107
in Germany, 148
pacifism of, 125
unified field theory of, 119, 156
Ehrenfest, Anna (Galinka) (1910–1979), paint-
ings of, 36
Ehrenfest, Arthur (1862–1931), 15, 20, 25
Ehrenfest, Hugo, 26, 48
Ehrenfest, Paul (1880–1933), 15, 17, 19, 22, 43,
81, 82, 89, 107, 113, 118, 151, 182
AE on, 211
AE on violins for daughters of, 67
on AE’s lecturing on non-relativity topics, 36
on AE’s planned lectures at University of Ley-
den, 48–49
on AE’s political moves in the Netherlands,
48–49, 57
on AE’s proposal for radiation experiment, 25
on AE’s reluctance to travel, 27
on AE’s US lecture tour, 25, 48
on being prepared to be Bohr’s assistent, 209
on Bjerrum, 209
on Bohr, 209
on Busch’s performance, 27
children of, 21, 182; AE plays with, 183
on feeling happy in Bohr’s home, 209
on Hebrew University, 57
on his brothers, 26
on Ioffe, 26, 108–109
invites AE to lecture in Leyden, 17–18
on possible trip by AE to Holland, 57
praises AE’s Zionist mission tour, 57
reports on AE’s Dutch finances, 17
requests that AE forward paper for publication,
requests AE’s help in getting visa for
Rozhdestvensky, 18
Russian physicists, requests AE’s intervention
for visa for, 26
Solvay Congress, Third
requests visa for, 36
stands in for Bohr, 27, 44
vacations in Copenhagen, 209
visits Berlin, 108, 110
wishes to visit US, 25–26, 48
Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1905–1984), 48
vacations in Copenhagen, 209
wishes to visit US, 26
Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, Tatiana (1876–1964),
Ehrenfest family, AE stays with, 183
Ehrenhaft, Felix (1879–1952), 19, 30
experiments on elementary electric charge, 32
subelectrons of, 190
Ehrenhaft-Steindler, Olga (1879–1933), 20, 30
Ehrwald (Tirol), 176
Einstein Donation Fund. See Albert-Einstein-
ALBERT (1879–1955)
bank account in the Netherlands, 17, 22
financial help for Zurich family, 5–6, 148
French translations, 118
Methuen publishing house, 21
publication of Princeton lectures, 93
money left in US, 157
needs funds in the Netherlands and Switzer-
land, 81
refrigerator, with Nernst, 135
American Jewish Physicians Committee, 56
Association for the Promotion of Mathematical
and Scientific Education, Japan, 161, 182,
183, 189
City College of New York, 93
Columbia University, 100, 105
Düsseldorf, 189
German Red Cross, on his impressions in US,
International Congress of Philosophy, 202
King’s College, 92, 96
National Academy of Sciences, 50
Princeton University, 50, 81, 91, 93
University of Bologna, 111, 124, 142, 151,
163, 166, 169, 183
University of Chicago, 93
University of Geneva, 167
University of Manchester, 72, 96
University of Munich, 79, 121, 124, 139, 141,

