3 6 2 I N D E X
Nauheim meeting, 187
Fried, Alfred, (1864–1921), 170
Frobenius, Ferdinand (1849–1917), 81
Fürth, Reinhold (1893–1979), 184
Gas theory, kinetic, 37
Gauverein der DPG in Munich, invites AE to lec-
ture, 286
GDNÄ. See Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturfor-
scher und Ärzte
Gehrcke, Ernst (1878–1960): 240, 258, 290, 297;
in Philharmonic Hall, 244
Geiger, Moritz (1880–1937), 285
Geodesic lines, light rays as, 38
Geometry: an experience, Poincaré on, 212; Eu-
clidean and gravitation, Bjerknes on, 292;
Hans Albert studies, 16, 53
Gerber, Paul, 38
Gerlach & Co., 153
Gerlach, Hellmut von (1866–1935), 170, 248
German Central Committee for Foreign Relief,
solicits statement on Quakers’ relief from
AE, 207–208
German currency: decrease of exchange rate of,
116; increase of exchange rate of, 84
German League for the League of Nations, solic-
its article from AE, 206–207, declined, 213–
German private commission on war crimes, AE
on, 131
German propaganda against entente, 114
Germany: coal shortage forecasted in, 72; export
restrictions for books, 82; food rationing in,
75; republic proclaimed in, 112
Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte
(GDNÄ) meeting in Bad Nauheim: 263, 270,
275, 278; AE on, 276, 296; AE declines invi-
tation to lecture at, 220; AE elected as mem-
ber of scientific committee of, 277; anti-
relativity demonstrations at, expected, 234,
258, did not occur, 280; discussion on relativ-
ity at, 275, AE on, 280, AE proposes, 188,
189, 221, 261, Fricke proposes, 190, Grebe
asks to participate in, 259; Ehrenhaft’s lec-
ture at, 267; Fricke invites AE to lecture at,
187; Laue’s planned lecture at, 190; Edgar
Meyer on, 305; Planck on support for AE at,
261; Weyl’s planned lecture on, 190
Glarisegg, boarding school for Hans Albert, 49
Globular clusters, 331
Gloriastrasse, Mileva Einstein-Maric;’s apart-
ment in, sublet, 60, 62
Gnehm, Robert (1852–1925), 197
Gocht, Moritz (1869–1938), 162
Goethe, Johann W. von (1749–1832), 215
Gold Medal of Royal Astronomical Society, 238
Goldscheid, Rudolf (1870–1931), 330
Gonzenbach, Wilhelm von (1880–1955), 102,
Gottfried-Keller centenary at University of Zur-
ich, AE participates, 126
Gottmadingen, 79
Grau, Kurt (1891–1947), 245
Gravitation: absorption of, 184, 303; and electro-
magnetism, 33; and electron, 37; and inertia,
Bjerknes on, 292; constructed from orbits of
comets, 186, 190; convinced of correctness of
Entwurf theory, 12; energy of gravitational
field, 38; energy tensor of, 108; gravitational
waves, 25, 28; observability of gravitational
field, 187, 191; reception of Entwurf theory,
Grebe, Leonhard (1883–1967): 153, 155, 215,
232; and Bachem, Albert, submit AE paper
on redshift, 196–197; on redshift of solar
spectral lines, 209, 228, 261; requested to
participate in discussion on relativity in Bad
Nauheim, 259
Grégorie, Henri (1881–1964), 227
Greinacher, Heinrich (1880–1974), 127
Grimm, Robert (1881–1958), 113
Grojean, Oscar (1875–1950), 227
Grommer, Jakob (1879–1933), AE’s coopera-
tion with, 38
Grossmann, Marcel (1878–1936): 125, 130, 205,
346; collaboration with AE, 21; on AE’s con-
sidering to leave Germany, 126, 129; on AE’s
remarks on Guillaume’s considerations, 313;
on Guillaume’s anti-relativity campaign,
266; on Guillaume’s theory, 203, 313; sug-
gests public debate with Guillaume, 266, 335
Guillaume, Edouard (1881–1959): 202, 216,
221, 240, 266, 335, 339; equations of be-
tween things not numbers, AE on, 205, 210–
211, 215; on absolute time in special relativi-
ty, 272, 335; on his principle of relative con-
stancy of light velocity, 203–204; on time
measurement in special relativity, 259; re-
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