1 9 2 D O C U M E N T 5 2 J U N E 1 9 2 0
character from the ones in the direction of time. But these are only subjective rea-
sons, which may perhaps even be brushed aside upon closer consideration.
I do hope it is still possible to hear a few words verbally about these things! We
heartily hope that you will do us the pleasure of stopping in Rostock, if your time
in any way
You will be traveling via Warnemünde, in any event, won’t
you? In the very worst case, I ask you please at least to inform us of the time of your
transit so that there is a possibility of greeting you in the train. We are hoping for
very favorable news and have the warmest wishes for your
Once again,
sincere thanks for your letter! In extending best compliments to your esteemed
wife, I am truly gratefully yours,
M. Schlick
P.S. I am going to send a copy of the English translation of Space and Time to you
52. To Arthur S. Eddington
[Berlin,] 11 June 1920
Highly esteemed
It is an inescapable necessity for me to clear my conscience by writing you a
brief letter. You know that I did not visit you this spring despite having informed
you of such
But first of all, I was prevented by far too many extraneous
obligations, which restricted my time very much; on the other hand, I had the feel-
ing that a trip to England at this time would be perceived by our English and Ger-
man colleagues as an ugly attempt to fish for favor [captatio
I wanted to avoid. In such a case even an internationally minded person must curb
himself if he does not want to do harm to the good cause.
I have now received from you the detailed report of your
which I thank you kindly. I greatly enjoyed being able to witness in this way, ret-
rospectively, so to speak, the successful analyses by English astronomers. The
problem of the line displacements is becoming more exciting by the day. Now a
personal friend of mine, our colleague Julius in Utrecht, has also come to the result,
upon careful review of all the data, that the Earth-Sun line displacement does not
but I have no doubt in my mind that in the end this consequence of relativ-
ity theory will find verification as well. Perhaps a careful comparative study of the
terrestrial light sources will bring
I have the impression that Julius’s the-
ory on the emergence of asymmetric line broadenings through the influence of dis-
persion in relation to local density fluctuations in the solar atmosphere is too little
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