2 6 2 D O C U M E N T S 1 3 5 , 1 3 6 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 0
135. From Konrad Haenisch
Berlin, 6 September 1920
Highly esteemed Professor,
With pangs of pain and embarrassment did I gather from the press that the theory
you champion has been the object of malicious public attacks extending beyond the
bounds of factual judgment and that even your professional integrity did not remain
safe from disparagement and
It is with special gratification for me that
scholars of acknowledged reputation, among these even prominent members of the
University of Berlin, are standing by you with regard to this affair, rejecting the
baseless attacks against your person and pointing out that your research has guar-
anteed you a
place in the history of our
As the best are
supporting your cause, it will be that much easier for you not to give any more at-
tention to such ugly activities.
Thus I may surely also express the determined hope that there is no truth to the
rumor that due to these nasty attacks you wish to leave Berlin, which has always
been proud, and always will remain proud, to count you, highly esteemed Profes-
sor, among the most brilliant jewels of its
In voicing my very special esteem, I am yours very sincerely,
136. From Isaak Meyer[1]
Stollberg, Erz Mts., 7 September 1920
Highly esteemed Professor,
Forgive me if I add another letter to the flood of correspondence you have been
receiving in the last few days.
A request coming from the heart!
In case you really are leaving Berlin &
then there can be only one
destination for you, the staunch Jew.—The reclaimed land of
Jews from all over the world will lay teaching material at your
Should my premonitions & yearnings be fulfilled, I hereby pledge in your honor,
very esteemed Professor, to execute the labor completely for the entrance gateway
in the finest wrought ironwork, entirely free of charge, for the newly established
University of Jerusalem.
With most sincere best wishes for the New
to you, Professor, & your
k[ind] family, also in the name of my d[ear]
I am, respectfully yours very
Isaak Meyer
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