2 1 4 D O C U M E N T S 8 3 , 8 4 J U L Y 1 9 2 0
doing justice to the task, especially considering that my understanding of the state
of affairs is not sufficient. The circumstance that I am Swiss is another argument
In great respect,
83. From Paul Ehrenfest
[Leyden,] 24 July 1920
Dear Einstein,
I hope Lorentz has already informed you that now, at last, the pen
gotten so far as to approve the
the automatic consequence of this
is that you can give your inaugural two months later, whether or not they have fin-
ished with their verification of your
So— Your letter just

Thank God that, finally, we can hope to have you in October—You can’t possibly
imagine how much we all, every one of us, like the thought of having you here pe-
riodically in Leyden. And you’ll see—even for you it won’t remain merely an un-
productive bother!– Onnes is now trying to arrange for Langevin to come here at
the same time as
Then let the four of us debate about magnetism. Now I be-
lieve I am very well prepared for this discussion from a study of the literature. I can
clear away an enormous amount of rubbish. I am burning with impatience for this
Tomorrow the violin case and bow are being sent to you, with maximum care
taken in the packing and as quickly as
It embarrasses me very much that
you are stuck there bowless, for our sakes—forgive me!! Letter soon and greetings
to you all—and never be annoyed with me!
P. E.
The violin seems to be attracting Tanya back to violin
84. From Eduard Einstein
Zurich, 25 July 1920
Dear Papa,
Today I want to write you a little letter. We have vacation now. I always entertain
myself well. Almost every day Richard comes and then we play
first grade card in the 4th class goes like
(6 is the best) Arithmetic 5; lan-
guage oral 5, language written 4–5, local history and geography 5, writing 3–4. In
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