V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T 3 9 1 a 8 3
have to ask you all for bills that I can present to the Reichsbank as proof. I simply
have to rely on your dispositions. But remember that the most important thing be-
sides the exigencies of the moment is that my boys are somehow provided for in
case of my unexpected
If it continues on like this, there’ll soon be nothing
left. Additionally, I’m convinced that anything spent on Miza is in vain. And as far
as Tete is concerned, I don’t believe that such a long sojourn is useful because what
essentially seems to be effective is the contrast of the
Preferably shorter
and more
But since I now see that my instructions are not being followed
at all, I don’t feel responsible anymore. On the contrary, I have great trust in
and am glad that she is taking care of Miza and has some influence on her.
She’ll arrange everything, satisfactorily. When are you all going to
been working properly again and with a clear mind. Bold plans but what will be the
outcome? You know how [sticky] a business this is. Cordial regards to
from your
Your institute pleases me immensely! When is the launch?
What a pity that we have to be even farther apart.
Vol. 8, 391a. To Heinrich Zangger
[Berlin,] 15 October [1917]
Dear Friend,
Now something (abscess?) seems to have been localized on my wife’s spinal
cord, after all. If so, the poor thing will always need to remain lying down. I’ll send
money to my wife (1,000 marks, for now) for the sanatorium. If it doesn’t work this
way, you will have to send me official proof that I truly owe this
I’ll have
to leave the decision to all of you about how long Tete must stay up
I can-
not judge. But think in what dire need my children are of all my modest savings in
the case of my unexpected
If this continues on . . .
I am extremely pleased for Besso. He is surely very happy to find such a fine
But how much traveling that will mean for me! He’s so hard to coax
onto a train, quite the opposite of both of us. I am feeling very well. No more at-
tacks, though I’ve been following a strict diet and not smoking, reclining a
haven’t been to the doctor at all. I’m working hard again and with pleasure.
It is very fine of Dr.
that he is so accommodating toward me.
Cordial greetings, yours,
A. Einstein.