I N D E X 3 6 7
Mühsam, Hans (1876–1957), 129, 319
Mühsam, Paul (1876–1960), sends AE his paci-
fist book, 325
Müller, Friedrich von (1858–1941), 258
Müller, Hermann (1876–1931), 131
Müller-Freienfels, Richard (1882–1949), 162
Müller-Jabusch, Maximilian (1889–1961), 207
Müller-Winteler, Marie (1877–1957), 324
Napoleon, Bonaparte (1769–1821), 215
Natanson, W¬adis¬aw (1864–1937), 16
National Center for Scientific Reporting, 169
National Research Council, invites AE to lec-
ture, 313
Naumann, Otto (1852–1935), 108
Nernst, Walther (1864–1941): 10, 239; AE on
heat theorem of, 12; on his theory of gas de-
generation, 317; on isomery of mixed crys-
tals, 317–318
Nernst’s heat theorem: AE on, 12; Planck’s gen-
eralization of, 307, 346
Neter, Walter (1878–?), 23
Newton, Isaac (1642–1727), 164
Newton’s law of motion, 202, 217
Newton’s law of gravitation: in analogy to pho-
tometric law, 310; to explain stellar veloci-
ties, 318
Newtonian mechanics: acceleration in, 186; and
absolute space, 191
Ney, Elisabeth, 277
Nicolai, Georg F. (1874–1964), diagnoses AE
with acid stomach, 70
Nobel Prize: for AE, 96; awarded to Rolland, 34
Nordström, Gunnar (1881–1923), 29– 30
Norst, Else, criticizes Ehrenhaft’s experiments,
Norwegian Students’ Association: AE lectures
at, 164, 185, 196; invites AE to lecture, 152,
171, 181
Nurse, in Mileva’s home, 34
Nussbaum, Jakob (1873–1936), 58
Oechsli, Wilhelm (1851–1919), 115
Oppenheim family, Elsa stays with, 265
Oppenheim, Jacques (1849–1924), 199
Oppenheim, Moritz (1848–1933), 58, 124
Oppenheim, Otto, 131
Oppenheim, Paul (1885–1977), 58, 124, 131,
163, 263
Oppenheimer, Eugen, 58
Ornstein, Leonard (1880–1941), 193
Oslo, 199
Osmotic pressure, 230
Ossietzky, Carl von (1889–1938) , 170
Pagenstecher, ?, contributes to Einstein Dona-
tion Fund, 333
Paramagnetism: 15; of gases, 255; of solids, 229
Parankiewicz, Irene (1893–?), 183
Patijn, Rudolf (1863–1956), curator of AE’s
Leyden professorship, 229
PAW. See Prussian Academy of Sciences
Pedolin, Peter (1869–1934), 63, 83, 87
Pérès, Joseph (1890–1962), 238
Perett, ?, as prospective English translator of
AE’s papers, 331
Perot, Alfred, observes redshift of solar spectral
lines, 239
Perpetuum mobile, 73
Perrin, Jean (1870–1942): 6; invited to 1921
Solvay meeting, 189
Petzoldt, Joseph (1870–1942): 212; on episte-
mology and relativity, 205; disagrees with
AE on finiteness of universe, 206; on Holst’s
critique of relativity, 206; AE agrees with,
212; proposes meeting on epistemology and
relativity, 206
Pflüger, Alexander (1869–1945), 211
Philharmonic Hall, Berlin, anti-relativity meet-
ing in, 242, 244, 246, 249, 252, 260, 323
Philosophy: AE on, 14; causal relations and
Newtonian inertial motion, AE on, 186–187,
202, Moritz Schlick on, 191; causal relations
and repetition of identical processes, AE on,
186, 202, Schlick on, 190–191; epistemology
and relativity, Ernst Cassirer on, 195–196,
Joseph Petzoldt on, 205, 212, Hans
Reichenbach on, 195; Kantian interpretation
of relativity, Cassirer on, 182; observability
of gravitational field, Schlick on, 191; relativ-
ity and philosophy, Cassirer on, 158,
Frederick Lindemann on, 338; space, AE on
reality of, 202; spatial and temporal causality,
AE on, 187, Schlick on, 191–192; Spinoza,
Baruch de, on freedom, 110; value of relativ-
ity for, 201. See also As If conference;
Physikalischer Verein, Frankfurt, AE lectures at,
57, 58