3 0 8 D O C U M E N T S 1 9 8 , 1 9 9 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 0
198. To Stefan Zweig
Berlin, 10 November 1920
Dear Mr. Zweig,
The friendly declaration by the artists from Salzburg heartily pleased me at the
With special satisfaction do I see from your kind
and the enclosed
newspaper note that a statement to me personally, not to the public, had really been
intended. I gladly take this opportunity to express my cordial thanks to you and
your friends.
With kind regards,
A. Einstein.
199. From Georg Count von Arco
Tempelhof, Berlin, 49/50 Albrecht St., 11 November 1920
Esteemed Professor,
Through your daughter Ilse I have already requested that you grant me an inter-
view about a patent
It might suit you better, though, if I present it to you in
You know that the cathode tube, with all its numerous applications, is the latest
advance in wireless telegraphy. Our company owns an apparently very important
patent in this area by Dr. A. Meissner, according to which the tube can be used for
generating vibrations. This patent is regarded as a pioneering patent outside of Ger-
many as well, e.g., in publications of the Marconi
Owing to the great
electrical advantages of this system, other companies are naturally also endeavor-
ing to skim off the cream. We are going to try to obtain clarity about the rights, by
instituting a series of legal proceedings, initially within Germany, but then proba-
bly also in other countries as well. The matter is therefore of paramount importance
to us. There are very few experts, however, and among these, even fewer who are
completely impartial and who, at the same time, know about patent law and can as-
sess a patent.
What my request is driving at, now, is whether you would allow us to suggest
you as our expert before the
I would not dare to direct this request to you
if I did not know that you are particularly well versed in patent law through prior
occupation and, moreover, that you have already figured as a legal expert for patent
matters in Germany, and this in so clear and factual a manner that it attracted the
greatest admiration of all concerned. The work for you that would result from this
is, I believe, not so very considerable, since the patent literature is relatively sparse