D O C S . 1 2 4 1 2 6 A U G U S T S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 0 2 5 3
I use this opportunity to assure you of my complete sympathy and respect. Most
M. Wolf, Professor.
124. From Rütschke
Prösen n[ear] Elsterwerda, 31 August [1920]
In the name of numerous local pastors, I urge you please to remain in Berlin &
spare Germany the shame that you went
Anti-Semites should not gain this
Pastor Rütschke
125. From Matt Winteler[1]
[London, 31 August 1920]
“And yet, it
[eppur si muove.]
Matt Winteler
126. From Maja Winteler-Einstein
Lucerne, 1 September 1920
My Dears!
Your letter shook me
It is almost impossible for me to write now; I scarcely
know why, myself. I thank you, dear Elsa, very much for the useful things you sent
us through Mrs. Häfliger and both of you for the fine engraving of Carl Maria von
It pleases me greatly.–
The lectures in the Philharmonic seem to have degenerated into a slander cam-
paign against you. Various papers published the announcement that you were
giving up your Berlin job. Is that
In any case, this is a bad reward for your
consideration toward the impoverished
I’m earnestly sorry about it.–
What you are experiencing in the large arena I went through on a small scale. I
also was attacked in the papers, supposedly because I had no talent as a teacher,
place too much value on “finery and trappings” (!) and gave arbitrary
reality it was because the ultramontanes wanted to bring a nonacademic from Luc-
erne into the secondary school and the other colleagues were envious of our double
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