5 8 V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T S 3 5 9 a , 3 5 9 b
Vol. 8, 358a. To Werner Bloch[1]
[Berlin,] 27 June 1917
[Not selected for translation.]
Vol. 8, 359a. To Elsa Einstein
[Frankfurt-am-Main,] Saturday, [30 June 1917,] 9:30 in the morning.
Dear Else,
The journey proceeded
I looked out the open window from a
prone position as long as the unusually fabulous sunset lasted. Later I slept for the
most part. I discovered that my apartment keys were still in my
They are
being sent out to you together with this postcard. The hotel really is one of those
Christian old maids’ homes, with a little black prayerbook on the night
Wachsmuth is a c[lumsy] o[x] for having led me
Now I’m going back to
the hotel and shall await the visits like a
Regarding edibles, I have obedi-
ently adhered to your
With affectionate g[reetings] & k[isses], yours,
Vol. 8, 359b. To Elsa Einstein
[Frankfurt-on-Main,] Sunday morning. [1 July 1917]
Dear Else,
It all went well. In the morning Mr. Oppenheim was here to see me, a very intel-
ligent, kind man, as fine as his
Mr. Oppenheimer came shortly before 1
o’clock. I went home with him for lunch
A very interesting man,
Nussbaum, a painter & graphologist, was also a guest with me
I enjoyed
myself very much. Then Laue came to see me and it was very
Then I
drove together with him to the institute and held my lecture—moderately
Then a group meal at the Rathskeller, likewise very interesting. I was extremely
careful about
11 o’clock in bed! State of health impeccable. No one paid
anything for me (stingy). Today, ½ past 9 o’clock, trip onwards to
Lots of love to the children &
a kiss to you, from your
The journey has been very picturesque so far.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

5 8 V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T S 3 5 9 a , 3 5 9 b
Vol. 8, 358a. To Werner Bloch[1]
[Berlin,] 27 June 1917
[Not selected for translation.]
Vol. 8, 359a. To Elsa Einstein
[Frankfurt-am-Main,] Saturday, [30 June 1917,] 9:30 in the morning.
Dear Else,
The journey proceeded
I looked out the open window from a
prone position as long as the unusually fabulous sunset lasted. Later I slept for the
most part. I discovered that my apartment keys were still in my
They are
being sent out to you together with this postcard. The hotel really is one of those
Christian old maids’ homes, with a little black prayerbook on the night
Wachsmuth is a c[lumsy] o[x] for having led me
Now I’m going back to
the hotel and shall await the visits like a
Regarding edibles, I have obedi-
ently adhered to your
With affectionate g[reetings] & k[isses], yours,
Vol. 8, 359b. To Elsa Einstein
[Frankfurt-on-Main,] Sunday morning. [1 July 1917]
Dear Else,
It all went well. In the morning Mr. Oppenheim was here to see me, a very intel-
ligent, kind man, as fine as his
Mr. Oppenheimer came shortly before 1
o’clock. I went home with him for lunch
A very interesting man,
Nussbaum, a painter & graphologist, was also a guest with me
I enjoyed
myself very much. Then Laue came to see me and it was very
Then I
drove together with him to the institute and held my lecture—moderately
Then a group meal at the Rathskeller, likewise very interesting. I was extremely
careful about
11 o’clock in bed! State of health impeccable. No one paid
anything for me (stingy). Today, ½ past 9 o’clock, trip onwards to
Lots of love to the children &
a kiss to you, from your
The journey has been very picturesque so far.

