2 1 8 D O C U M E N T 8 6 J U L Y 1 9 2 0
You seem to be right about the measuring rod–clock concept; but to it we must
add that the system’s course of development is essentially stationary or periodic.
Governments are not based on legal conceptual systems but rather on power; that
is, on the subordination of a multitude of essentially incoherent persons whose nec-
essary organization it embodies and maintains. So they certainly do not depend on
the stability of fundamental legal concepts.
I am sorry that Vero feels that way, because I believe that the source of this dis-
content is lodged in his emotions and not in his
I would wish for him
some practical occupation as soon as possible, something like what we had at the
Patent Office, so that he is always put before small, well-defined tasks.
Cordial greetings to you from your much harassed
Much harassed by excessive adulation and an oppressive hail of correspondence
and other unofficial duties. Otherwise, I am doing very well, personally and health-
86. To German News Agency for Foreign University
and Student Affairs
Berlin, 27 July 1920
Esteemed Sir,
Despite an overwhelming workload, I cannot forgo applauding your endeavor
On the occasion of a trip to Scandinavia, I saw the importance of
the relations that German academia acquired through the hospitality of its univer-
sities before the
It is due to this that students of otherwise hostile Norway
have an affinity toward Germans and continue, as before, mainly to use German
books. In my opinion, one of your principal aims should be to convince young stu-
dents that it would be of inestimable advantage to Germany if many foreign stu-
dents received their academic training in Germany. I know very well that space and
money shortages at German universities prohibit much, since one must, of course,
first take care of the German youth. Yet many expulsions of foreigners happen out
of political narrow-mindedness, which unfortunately developed as a result of unfa-
vorable circumstances among local youth. Specifically, foreigners ought to be en-
rolled liberally in the more learned sciences, that is, studies not immediately
directed toward practical applications, where there can be no question of
overcrowding. As a Jew, I, e.g., often have occasion to hear about complaints by
eastern Jewish students who too often are turned away with empty excuses out of
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