I N D E X 4 9 1
Compton’s equation for, 121
Szilard on, 199
Compton experiment, 248
AE on, 186, 231–234, 337
Mark on literature and replication of,116
Szilard on repetition of, 199–200
Condensation, of gases at low temperatures, 370,
Connection, affine
coefficients of, in Weyl’s theory, 39
and curvature, 81
does not determine a metric, 81
and generalization of Riemannian geometry,
law of, 270
Conscientious objectors, 436
Conservation laws, valid in nature, 253
AE on, 324
in geometry, 217
Coolidge tube, 119
Coordinate system
classical, loses meaning, 77
needed in classical mechanics, 333
and reality, 76
Gaussian, 78
geodesic, 168
of manifold, 78
Corresponding states, law of, 285, 381
Cosmological problem, 80; AE disagrees with
Weyl on, 41
Cosmological term, 37, 43
corresponding term in affine theory, 274
necessary to satisfy Mach’s principle, 80
should be abandoned, 41
sign of, 40
closed world model, 80
Friedmann’s solution, 47
quasi-static world, 41
Coudehove-Kalergi, Richard von (1894–1972),
Courant, Richard (1888–1972), 9; on AE adding
note to Eddington 1925, 91, 270
Courvoisier, Leopold (1873–1955), 187
Cram, Edith Clare Bryce (1880–1960), invites
AE to the US, 20
Crommelin, Claude August (1878–1965), 344;
entry permit to Russia for, AE on, 344
Crystals, always interesting to Zangger, 236
Curie, Ève (1904–2007), 293
Curie, Pierre (1859–1906), 181
Curie-Sk¤odowska, Marie (1867–1934), 111,
181, 192, 293, 349, 394, 444
AE on, 182; being passionate, AE on, 293
on anti-humane element in culture in France
and Germany, 193
on cooperation of intellectuals, 192
on difficult situation in Europe, 192
friendly memories of AE, 181
on high esteem for AE in France, 192
on importance of League of Nations, 192, 316
regrets AE’s not attending Solvay congress,
Current density
and field in affine theory, 161
in Weyl’s field theory, 36
See also Charge density
Curtius, Theodor (1857–1928), 348
Curvature tensor, determined by affine connec-
tion, 81
Czerni, on radiometer forces, 292
Dällenbach, Hans (1890–1990), Zangger on, 264
De Donder, Théophile (1872–1957)
to meet AE in Leyden, 158–159, 161
plans lectures on AE’s new theory of gravita-
tion, 159
requests AE’s latest papers, 159, 162
on Weyl-Eddington theory, 158–160, 161,
Debye, Peter (1884–1966), 125, 188, 236, 337
and Compton effect, 337
derivation of Planck’s law, 338
on electrolytes, AE on, 60
guest at Caltech, 460
Nobel Prize, AE proposes for, 131
Definition, real in classical mechanics, 333
Franck on, 357
of gas, 282, 370, 371, 409; Schrödinger on, 429
influences pressure, 381
parameter of, 282, 380
rigorous theory of in quantum theory of ideal
gases, 285
thermal, of liquids, 58
Democritus, 255
Dessauer, Friedrich (1881–1963), 306
Deutsch, Felix (1859–1928), 109