1 6 2 D O C U M E N T 1 6 7 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 3
why I am now tending toward not attaching any physical significance at all to this
whole theoretical development, which is based on a generalization of the Riemann
metric through generalization of the .
With kind regards, yours sincerely,
A. Einstein.
167. To Betty Neumann
[Leyden,] 4 December 1923
Dear Betty,
I had to arbitrate something else here that resembles your affairs, namely, per-
suading a mother to no longer stand in the way of the daughter’s marriage with a
man she
It even worked, in fact. Now I hope that you also have meanwhile
found the right person, as is proper for you. I am already quite curious how it went,
and what he is like. I am only going to be able to return shortly before Christmas,
because I still have to attend an official matter in Amsterdam on the
have some other things to do here as well. Life here slips by in quiet but fruitful
work in friendly surroundings. As long as one can work and gets ideas in the pro-
cess, our life retains value and color. One can describe this appreciation of life as
gothic with a repressed yearning for the rococo.
In the hope of a prompt dramatic report about your enterprises and destiny, I am
with warm regards and heartfelt wishes, yours,
A. Einstein.
168. From Veniamin F. Kagan[1]
[Moscow,] 4 December 1923
[Not selected for translation.]
169. From Albert A. Michelson
[Chicago,] December fifth 1923
[See documentary edition for English text.]
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