4 9 2 I N D E X
Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte, AE’s mes-
sage to, 87
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, meeting of
AE on, 100
AE participates in discussions, 112–114
AE reluctant to attend,115
AE satisfied with, 116, 117, 119
AE will attend, 73, 105, 108, 109
Born against, 103
Deutz, L., 176
d’Hérelle, Félix (1873–1949), discovers bacte-
riophage, Mühsam on, 173
Dielectric constant, 229
Diels, Hermann (1848–1922), AE on translation
of Lucretius by, 255
Differential equations
characteristic for classical physics, 163
partial, Besso on, 224
Differential geometry, multidimensional, 38
Diffusion of polarization gases, experiment on,
Dimensional analysis, 419
Dissociation rate, AE on, 104
Doktorowicz, Henryk, 238, 245, 247
Don Quixote, AE sees himself as, 146
Donnan’s equations, 88
Doppler effect, 141, 142, 143, 211
Drummond, Eric (1876–1951), 264
Duisberg, Carl (1861–1935),117
Dunham lectureship, Zangger invited for, 460
Dunn, Gano (1870–1953), 15; AE recommends
to Ehrenfest, 134
Dyson, Frank (1868–1939), 21
detection of, 457
in Japan, 1923, AE on, 105, 106
Eberty, Felix (1812–1884), 54
Eddington, Arthur S. (1882–1944), 34, 75, 81,
AE meets in Leyden, 119, 123
AE on his work on relativity as an escapade,
book on mathematical relativity, AE’s contri-
bution to, 91
generalization of Riemann geometry, 336
happy with AE’s note on Eddington 1925, 91
his idea, needs to be thought through, 41; pur-
sued, 162
theory of, 95
on unification of gravitation an electromag-
netism, 336
Eder, Montague (1865–1936)
Hebrew University, invites AE to join Board of
Governors of, 195–197
on development of library of, 196–197
on planning institutes of, 196
Ehrenfest, Anna (1910–1979), 59, 250, 254, 306
Ehrenfest, Paul (1880–1933), 28, 33, 43, 57, 108,
110, 117, 119, 136, 139, 152, 153, 157, 160,
169, 176, 179, 211, 253, 284, 300, 310, 339,
341, 343, 347, 349, 368, 410, 411, 437, 478
AE lectures in his stead, 156
on AE’s participation in celebration of the Uni-
versity of Leyden, 410
asks AE for helpful individuals in US, 133–134
on best time for AE’s Leyden visit, 8
on Bose 1924 and Einstein 1925f, 373
on Bothe-Geiger experiment, 411
back from, 250
guest at, 387
invited by, 83
leaves for, 156, 160
criticizes AE’s quantum theory of ideal gas,
derivation of Planck’s law, 338
on Einstein and Ehrenfest 1923, 133
and family, 29
on Pasadena, 250
requested to send money to Winteler-Einstein,
370, 384
suffers from inferiority complex, 408
on travel to US, 133
visit to the Soviet Union, 306
Ehrenfest, Paul Jr. (1915–1939), 59
Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1905–1984), 59, 306, 314,
AE praises, 408
on conditions in Soviet Russia, 411
Keesom, dislikes him, 370
in love with Gijsbert van Aardenne, 160
in the Soviet Union, 479
Ehrenfest, Wassily (1918–1933), 133
Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, Tatiana (1876–1964), 8,
59, 153, 176, 314, 341, 343, 347, 361, 368
on financial
help for Russian refugee intellec-
tuals, 306, 370, 384, 398
on Russia, 156
Ehrmann, Rudolf (1879–1963), 446, 465, 474