3 7 0 D O C U M E N T 3 8 4 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 4
I recently went to see Saint Joan by B.
It’s a magnificent piece that you
must read or see.
Kisses from your
Kind regards to
I see just now that Anschütz wants to guide us back to Lautrach. If possible, let’s
avoid that.
384. To Paul Ehrenfest
[Berlin], 29 November 1924
Dear Ehrenfest,
The affair isn’t at all as pleasant and interesting as you imagine. In Florence I
have a sister and a brother-in-law who are irresponsible and are “in a fix,” and not
just them but also a kindhearted Swiss woman who trusted
Send 6,750
Swiss fr. to the Kantonalbank in Lucerne to dissolve the debts of Mr. P. Winteler.
Take care of this matter as soon as possible because the bank has already been kept
waiting too long.—
I am examining more closely with Grommer the function for the degeneration
From a particular temperature on, the molecules “condense” without at-
tractive forces, i.e., they cluster at zero velocity. The theory is elegant, but whether
there is any truth to it as well? I want to try and see whether one can connect to it
the evolution of the thermal forces at low temperatures. Nothing clear has come out
of Pic[c]ard’s evaporations
nor was there any success in closing in on the
matter theoretically. On the contrary, the pilots find an excess density of positive
ions in the
In short, the business is still completely foggy and groggy. Added
to that, I have a mighty bout of the flu; but I’m feeling better again.
aged the distribution of the League of Nations money like a lioness. I passed her
proposal on to the
also for the Fr 5,000 to the Baltic (Reval). I am glad
that the learned
is bravely toiling, even though
smells like
cheese to her. We are very much looking forward to seeing her when she alights for
the first time, having just fluttered away from exams and the home cage.
Warm regards from your
A. E.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

3 7 0 D O C U M E N T 3 8 4 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 4
I recently went to see Saint Joan by B.
It’s a magnificent piece that you
must read or see.
Kisses from your
Kind regards to
I see just now that Anschütz wants to guide us back to Lautrach. If possible, let’s
avoid that.
384. To Paul Ehrenfest
[Berlin], 29 November 1924
Dear Ehrenfest,
The affair isn’t at all as pleasant and interesting as you imagine. In Florence I
have a sister and a brother-in-law who are irresponsible and are “in a fix,” and not
just them but also a kindhearted Swiss woman who trusted
Send 6,750
Swiss fr. to the Kantonalbank in Lucerne to dissolve the debts of Mr. P. Winteler.
Take care of this matter as soon as possible because the bank has already been kept
waiting too long.—
I am examining more closely with Grommer the function for the degeneration
From a particular temperature on, the molecules “condense” without at-
tractive forces, i.e., they cluster at zero velocity. The theory is elegant, but whether
there is any truth to it as well? I want to try and see whether one can connect to it
the evolution of the thermal forces at low temperatures. Nothing clear has come out
of Pic[c]ard’s evaporations
nor was there any success in closing in on the
matter theoretically. On the contrary, the pilots find an excess density of positive
ions in the
In short, the business is still completely foggy and groggy. Added
to that, I have a mighty bout of the flu; but I’m feeling better again.
aged the distribution of the League of Nations money like a lioness. I passed her
proposal on to the
also for the Fr 5,000 to the Baltic (Reval). I am glad
that the learned
is bravely toiling, even though
smells like
cheese to her. We are very much looking forward to seeing her when she alights for
the first time, having just fluttered away from exams and the home cage.
Warm regards from your
A. E.

