2 0 D O C U M E N T S 1 4 , 1 6 A P R I L 1 9 2 3
14. From William W. Campbell[1]
lickobservaory calif [12 April 1923]
= three pairs australia tahiti eclipse plates measured by campb[ell]
sixty two to eighty four stars each five of six measurements completely calculated
give einstein deflection between one point fifty nine and one point eighty six sec-
onds arc mean value one point seventy four
= W.
Translator’s note: Original written in English.
15. From Edith Clare Bryce Cram[1]
[New York, 12 April 1923]
[See documentary edition for English text.]
16. From Ludwik Silberstein[1]
[Rochester?] 15 April 1923
Dear Colleague,
For almost a year your terrestrial coordinates were unknown to me; I only heard
that you had left Berlin (to judge from the newspapers). Directly, I last heard from
you through my old friend & Berlin Univ. colleague
who wrote me at
the end of Dec. 1922 from Tokyo that you were there and were being enthusiasti-
cally received. What he writes is characteristic, among other things: “Japanese pub-
lic is usually very cold to foreign scientific lecturers, but this time every nook and
corner of a large public lecture hall were occupied by the interested multitudes, and
Einstein was quite astonished at finding a large number of the crowd climbing up
even to the platform of the amphitheater, to listen to the words of the creator of the
principle of
Einstein remarked that never before was his theory so
highly appreciated by the public as in Japan!” I am naturally pleased to convey to
you these good sentiments by the Japanese. Whence the long digression.
Nagaoka wrote me that you are traveling from Japan to Jerusalem, and as I just
read that you are lecturing in Madrid in March, I conclude that you are on your
return homeward and am writing you.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

2 0 D O C U M E N T S 1 4 , 1 6 A P R I L 1 9 2 3
14. From William W. Campbell[1]
lickobservaory calif [12 April 1923]
= three pairs australia tahiti eclipse plates measured by campb[ell]
sixty two to eighty four stars each five of six measurements completely calculated
give einstein deflection between one point fifty nine and one point eighty six sec-
onds arc mean value one point seventy four
= W.
Translator’s note: Original written in English.
15. From Edith Clare Bryce Cram[1]
[New York, 12 April 1923]
[See documentary edition for English text.]
16. From Ludwik Silberstein[1]
[Rochester?] 15 April 1923
Dear Colleague,
For almost a year your terrestrial coordinates were unknown to me; I only heard
that you had left Berlin (to judge from the newspapers). Directly, I last heard from
you through my old friend & Berlin Univ. colleague
who wrote me at
the end of Dec. 1922 from Tokyo that you were there and were being enthusiasti-
cally received. What he writes is characteristic, among other things: “Japanese pub-
lic is usually very cold to foreign scientific lecturers, but this time every nook and
corner of a large public lecture hall were occupied by the interested multitudes, and
Einstein was quite astonished at finding a large number of the crowd climbing up
even to the platform of the amphitheater, to listen to the words of the creator of the
principle of
Einstein remarked that never before was his theory so
highly appreciated by the public as in Japan!” I am naturally pleased to convey to
you these good sentiments by the Japanese. Whence the long digression.
Nagaoka wrote me that you are traveling from Japan to Jerusalem, and as I just
read that you are lecturing in Madrid in March, I conclude that you are on your
return homeward and am writing you.

