D O C U M E N T 1 8 0 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 3 1 8 1
180. From Hendrik A. Lorentz
Haarlem, 20 December 1923
Dear Colleague,
As you have surely already heard, next week on 26 December, a celebration will
be taking place in Paris in commemoration of the discovery of radium in
They would have liked to have invited you to it but left that to me because they
knew that you would not be coming, anyway. I believed I could confirm the latter
when I was asked my opinion during my last stay in Paris.
Mrs. Curie then asked me to tell you that she will be thinking of you most ami-
cably at this event, which lends occasion for looking back on years past and the
many opportunities granted her to enter into closer scientific relations with you and
to collaborate with
I was in Paris for almost two weeks in order to attend, first, the meetings of the
commission of the League of Nations; second, a brief assembly of the Union de
Physique (which the Dutch have joined independently of the Natuurkundige Ver-
eeniging); and third, the 50-year celebration of the Société de
My im-
pressions as concern the prospect of later cooperation also with the Germans are
quite favorable, in certain respects even very favorable. The decision on an interna-
tional congress to be organized by the Union de Physique will only be reached in
1925 at the time when the Conseil international de recherches will also be conven-
ing. It is hoped that by then the political situation will have turned in the desired
Unfortunately I found Langevin very
He has hardly allowed him-
self any rest in the last few years, and that is now taking its toll. He will soon be
taking a longer vacation, which he is thinking of initially spending in Grenoble. If
only he won’t return to Paris again too soon.
With great pleasure and complete agreement I read the words that Van der Waals
directed to you on 13
I surely do not need to tell you how dearly I
would have liked to have been able to be present and been able to say what high
value I place on sharing with you the honor awarded to me by the Amsterdam Ge-
And now you will probably be returning to Germany again soon. I heartily hope
that it will be possible for you to work, in good health, undisturbed, and with the
necessary quiet.
With cordial regards from both of us, yours truly,
H. A. Lorentz.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 1 8 0 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 3 1 8 1
180. From Hendrik A. Lorentz
Haarlem, 20 December 1923
Dear Colleague,
As you have surely already heard, next week on 26 December, a celebration will
be taking place in Paris in commemoration of the discovery of radium in
They would have liked to have invited you to it but left that to me because they
knew that you would not be coming, anyway. I believed I could confirm the latter
when I was asked my opinion during my last stay in Paris.
Mrs. Curie then asked me to tell you that she will be thinking of you most ami-
cably at this event, which lends occasion for looking back on years past and the
many opportunities granted her to enter into closer scientific relations with you and
to collaborate with
I was in Paris for almost two weeks in order to attend, first, the meetings of the
commission of the League of Nations; second, a brief assembly of the Union de
Physique (which the Dutch have joined independently of the Natuurkundige Ver-
eeniging); and third, the 50-year celebration of the Société de
My im-
pressions as concern the prospect of later cooperation also with the Germans are
quite favorable, in certain respects even very favorable. The decision on an interna-
tional congress to be organized by the Union de Physique will only be reached in
1925 at the time when the Conseil international de recherches will also be conven-
ing. It is hoped that by then the political situation will have turned in the desired
Unfortunately I found Langevin very
He has hardly allowed him-
self any rest in the last few years, and that is now taking its toll. He will soon be
taking a longer vacation, which he is thinking of initially spending in Grenoble. If
only he won’t return to Paris again too soon.
With great pleasure and complete agreement I read the words that Van der Waals
directed to you on 13
I surely do not need to tell you how dearly I
would have liked to have been able to be present and been able to say what high
value I place on sharing with you the honor awarded to me by the Amsterdam Ge-
And now you will probably be returning to Germany again soon. I heartily hope
that it will be possible for you to work, in good health, undisturbed, and with the
necessary quiet.
With cordial regards from both of us, yours truly,
H. A. Lorentz.

