3 4 8 D O C U M E N T S 3 4 7 , 3 4 8 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4
346. From Satyendra Nath Bose
Paris V, 17 Sommerard Street, 26 October 1924
[See documentary edition for English text.]
347. From Paul Langevin
Paris, 26 October 1924
My dear Friend,
The meetings, about which I wrote you three days ago, will take place on 3, 4,
and 5
Their purpose is to operate as liaison between the national
groups of the Union
Germany will be represented there by Prof.
Curtius from Heidelberg, by the writer Kasimir Edschmid, and by an important his-
torian who I think is called
On the 5th in the evening we shall have a din-
ner that
will preside over and to which he attaches quite great impor-
tance because of the current situation in Germany—in order to demonstrate that
very different elements in France, and not just the parties on the left, are disposed
to working with foreigners of all nationalities and publicly affirm this willingness.
Your presence would be quite valuable, not to speak of the pleasure you would be
giving your friends here.
If you could arrive during the day of the 4th, we could leave again together on
the 6th because I have to be in Brussels that evening.
I embrace you most affectionately,
P. Langevin.
348. To Hans Albert Einstein
Berlin, 27 October 1924
Dear Albert,
Having returned from Holland, I find a postcard from Mr. Herbert Frank (34 Cle-
mens St., IV, Munich), who wants to send you the Lautrach photographs but
doesn’t have your
I don’t know it precisely anymore either. (Hutten St.
Send it to him and to me and tell me about your exams, the move, and what-
ever else there is. So, I really am embarking for Buenos Aires on March
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