D O C U M E N T S 2 9 1 , 2 9 2 J U L Y 1 9 2 4 2 9 3
291. To Elsa Einstein
Geneva, 21 July 1924
Dear Else,
The journey proceeded well, only it was quite hot. After taking a bath, I was a
human being again. Today I was with Langevin, Curie and daughter and also made
the acquaintance of Nitobe at the League of Nations
My impression is
quite favorable up to now. All have good will and confidence. Here it’s a laundry
atmosphere, like in Singapore: hot and humid. But a proper working mood. Today
it’s raining intermittently. Langevin is somewhat fatigued, Mrs. Curie hot-blooded
as ever. The meetings are beginning the day after
In the interim I’m
getting to know the affairs more closely. The hotel is good and its service sleepy.
The interior of the League of Nations building strikes one as mysterious—a re-
vamped hotel that overnight, so to speak, turned into a theater for things never be-
fore dreamed of. Furnishing improvised. One bustles busily about and speaks in a
low voice. I haven’t seen Comert
that all went smoothly and
not the slightest thing happened despite my strange premonition. One comical af-
fair happened after the bath, which is one floor above my room. Last night I count-
ed on not meeting anyone while coming back down. I slipped into my rubber rain-
coat, stark naked, and tucked everything else, jumbled together, under my arm.
That’s how I walked down the stairs. Below, there were two chattering ladies. I
wanted to wait until they had gone but then others were already coming along from
above, so my situation was precarious. Putting on the face of a newborn infant, I
strode past both of them, in great amusement all the while.
Best regards to all, yours,
292. To Elsa Einstein
[Geneva,] Thursday, 26 [24] July
Dear Else,
The day before yesterday we (Langevin, Mrs. Curie with
an En-
glishman, and I) went on an excursion to
and into the highlands from there.
A powerful storm surprised us. But it was very pretty. Yesterday was the first day
I had a quite favorable impression overall of the people and their
goals. Also the conditions for Germany’s entry seem favorable, as I gathered from
many independent conversations.
isn’t here but is coming soon. People
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