6 8 8 I N D E X
care of AE’s sons, 487; visits Pauline Ein-
stein, 81, 92, 105
Zangger-Mayenfisch, Mathilde (1883–1981),
339, 513, 609c
Zangwill, Israel (1864–1926), novels on Jewish
ghetto life by, 415
Zeeman, Pieter (1865–1943): 145, 150, 247,
296, 416n, 422n, 502; on velocity of light in
moving solids, 209, 296; recommends AE for
Nobel prize, 418n, 597c
Zeitschrift für Physik, 297, 309, 470n
Zermelo, Ernst F. (1871–1953), 192
Zernike, Frits (1888–1966), 247
Zionism: AE to aid cause of, 180, 267; Ehrenfest
on, 248. See also Hebrew University
Zionist Association of Germany. See Zionisti-
sche Vereinigung für Deutschland
Zionist conference of 1920, program, 241n
Zionist Congress 11th: 213n, 249n, 254; decides
to found Hebrew University, 153n
Zionist meeting, AE attends, 223n, 550c
Zionist Organization: 334n; funding for Hebrew
University, 364–365; on Hebrew University,
Zionist Society at the University of Chicago,
Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland: 181n;
AE attends meeting, 567c
Zloscisti, Theodor, 327n
Zoff, Otto, 323n
Zuoz (Switzerland), AE in, 4
Zürcher Heilstätte bei Aegeri für scrophulöse
und rachitische Kinder, 340n
Zürcher, Emil (1877–1937): 8, 35, 345; manages
AE’s financial support to Swiss family, 214,
270, 338, 345
Zürcher, Emil, Jr. 496
Zürcher-Siebel, Johanna (1873–1939): 345, 496;
helps Mileva Einstein-Maric;;, 36n
Zurich: county court, 556c; heating shortages in,
3n, 6n; poor treatment of scientists in, 498; ri-
ots in, 94n, 307n
Zurich Physical Society, 197, 198n
Zurich Physics Colloquium: 196, 200; congratu-
lates AE, 192
Zweig, Arnold, 581c
Zweig, Beatrice, 581c
Zweig, Stefan (1881–1942), 322, 323n, 392