I N D E X 6 8 7
Westphal, Wilhelm (1882–1978): 47, 297n,
310n, 568c; on theory of radiometer, 175–
176; requests KWIP funds for research on
theory of radiometer, 559c, granted, 560c,
Wettstein, Richard (1863–1931): 427, 440; re-
quests AE’s opinion on Ehrenhaft, 427–428
Weyl, Helene, 6n, 581c
Weyl, Hermann (1885–1955): 6n, 37n, 40n, 47n,
92, 113n, 115, 158n, 192, 217, 302n, 329,
387, 389n, 432, 520; AE on, 80; considered
for position at University of Halle, 97; dis-
pute with AE, 8n, 552c; expanding general
relativity, AE on, 80, 118, 403, 452; financial
difficulties, 79–80; health problems, 452,
512; plans lecturing at University of Göttin-
gen, 87–88; Raum-Zeit-Materie, 453, 530,
AE on French edition of, 536; theory of, 39,
293, as alternative to general relativity,
xxxviii; Eddington on, 263; Fokker on, 111–
112; measuring rod objection to, 89, 118,
305; Pauli on, 267–268
Weyssenhoff, Johann (Jan) V. von (1889–1972),
Whyte, W. J. Arnold, 588c
Wien, Max (1866–1938), 21, 127
Wien, Wilhelm (1864–1928): 21–22, 149n, 208,
217, 308–310, 349; dismissed from scientific
committee of Institut international de phy-
sique, 115n; on polarization of X-rays, 61;
opposes new journals of DPG, 297; partici-
pates in Bürgerwehr, 60
Wiener Bank-Verein, 555c
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Hermann, leads
campaign against pacifists, 385n
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von (1848–
1931): 350n, 511, 612c; meets with AE, 511;
political differences with AE, 511
Wildbolz affair, 160
Wildbolz, Eduard (1858–1932), 162n
Wildbolz, Georg (1893–1951), 162n
Wildhagen, Max (1888–1960), 122–123
Wille, Ulrich, 162n
William of Orange, 418n
Wilouner, (?), 226
Wilson, Woodrow: xlv, 17n, 144n, 205n; sup-
ports Balfour Declaration, 17n; supports
League of Nations, 119n, 143
Winteler, Jost (1846–1929), 307n, 340n
Winteler, Paul (1882–1952): xxx, 3n, 48n, 105,
129–131, 147, 171, 219, 530, 551c; marriage
problems of, 294, 342
Winteler, Pauline, 52n
Winteler-Einstein, Maja (1881–1951): 29, 48n,
65n, 69n, 92n, 93n, 105, 119, 129–131, 138,
147, 170–172, 201, 219, 290n, 304n, 307n,
340n, 442, 487, 492n, 530, 572c, 582c; ar-
rives in Berlin, 339, 592c; marriage problems
of, 294, 342
Wirtinger, Wilhelm (1865–1935), 400
Witkowski, Georg, 481
Wittfeld, Gustav (1855–1923), proposes test of
Lense–Thirring precession, 250
Wittig, Hans: 520; dedicates dissertation to AE,
521; extends concept of energy conservation
to psychology, 520
Wolfer, Alfred (1854–1931): 8n, 315, 383n;
requests opinions on Bernoulli and Briner,
Wolff, Cornelia, 597c
Wolff, Theodor (1868–1943), 28n, 29n
Wolffsohn, David (1856–1914), 255n
Wolfke, Mieczyslaw W. , 192
Women, AE on, 94
Women’s International League for Peace and
Freedom. See Internationale Frauenliga für
Frieden und Freiheit
Wostok publishing house. See Publishers
Wundt, Wilhelm (1832–1920), 350n, 481, 518
Wyss, Konrad, 94n
X-ray polarization: Seemann on, 22, 61; Wien
on, 61
X-ray spectroscopy, funded by KWIP, 560c,
562c, 567c
York-Steiner, H., 583c
Zahn, H. (1877–1952), 74
Zangger, Heinrich (1874–1957): xxx, xl, xlv, 3n,
7n, 11, 12n, 13n, 36n, 48n, 69n, 78–79, 92–
93, 99n, 139n, 172n, 192, 197n, 203n, 269n,
270, 271n, 288n, 299n, 302n, 303n, 305, 325,
330n, 340n, 345n, 345, 373n, 378n, 406n,
428, 451n, 487, 489n, 499n, 513n, 517; Hans
Albert Einstein boards with, 303, 306, 326,
338, 451, 487n; helps Kammerer, 512; on
transport of Pauline Einstein, 214; psycho-
logical assessment of Nicolai, 484n; takes