8 D O C U M E N T 6 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 1 9
Max von Laue (1879–1960) was Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Frankfurt; Peter
Debye (1884–1966) was Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Göttingen.
Two days later, Laue planned to attend the Zurich physics colloquium, at which “a big dispute”
(“eine grosse disputatio”) was expected between Einstein and Weyl about the latter’s recent extension
of general relativity (Hermann Weyl to Felix Klein, 7 February 1919, GyGöU Cod. Ms. Klein 22B,
Bl. 32).
[9]Paul S. Epstein (1883–1966), a former student of Sommerfeld, had originally applied for a posi-
tion as Privatdozent in physics at the University of Zurich in February 1917, receiving a glowing rec-
ommendation from Edgar Meyer and approval from the faculty. As a Russian enemy alien, however,
he was barred during wartime from leaving Germany and entering Switzerland (see Edgar Meyer’s
expert opinion, 7 March 1917, and Alfred Wolfer, Dekan, to Heinrich Mousson, Erziehungsdirektor,
Canton of Zurich, 6 May 1919, both in SzZSa, U 110 d .2 (121), as well as Einstein to Edgar Meyer,
30 October 1917 [Vol. 8, Doc. 396]).
Epstein, too, was planning to attend the Zurich physics colloquium on the evening of 7 February
(see note 8 and Hermann Weyl to Felix Klein, 7 February 1919, GyGöU Cod. Ms. Klein 22B, Bl. 32).
6. Divorce Decree
Zürich, 14. Februar 1919
Bezirksgericht Zürich
II. Abteilung
Das Gericht
in seiner Sitzung vom 14. Februar 1919,
an welcher teilnahmen die Bezirksrichter: E. Lang, Vicepräsident,
Dr. Huber und Bänninger,
sowie der Substitut des Gerichtschreibers: E. Wild,
in Sachen
der Frau Mileva Einstein geb. Marit, geb. 1875, ursprünglich von
Neusatz (Ungarn) cop. 1903,
wohnhaft an der Gloriastrasse
59, Zürich 7,
vertreten durch Staatsanwalt Dr. Zürcher, Zürich 7,
Professor Dr. Albert Einstein, geb. 1879, von Zürich mosaisch, wohnhaft
Haberlandstrasse, No.5, in Berlin, z. Zt. in der Pension Sternwarte, Hoch-
strasse Zürich 7,
E h e s c h e i d u n g
über die Streitfrage:
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