1 9 2 D O C U M E N T 1 3 1 O C T O B E R 1 9 1 9
[2]Erwin Freundlich. In early 1918, a major disagreement in the selection process for a new direc-
tor of the Geodetic Institute had been whether to choose a geodesist, contemptuously referred to as a
“surveyor” (“Landmesser”), or a geophysicist (see Wilhelm Schweydar to Einstein, 4 January 1918
[Vol. 8, Doc. 426]).
[3]Einstein had been waiting for his entrance visa to the Netherlands since the end of September
(see, e.g., Doc. 123). Max Planck.
[4]Louis Krüger (1857–1923) was the “surveyor” who was appointed director of the Geodetic
[5]In October 1917, the commission was trying to find a successor for the director of the Geodetic
Institute who would, among other things, resist the influence of the German Army (see Vol. 8,
Doc. 426, note 6). Tension over this concern had been developing for some time. In August 1919,
Hugo A. Krüss (1879–1945), director of academic affairs in the Prussian Ministry of Education, had
written to the ministry of defense expressing his opposition to the consolidation of the Geodetic Insti-
tute with the Prussian Surveyor’s Office (Amt für Landesaufnahme) (see GyBSa, 1. HA, Rep. 76 Vc,
Sekt. 1, Tit. 11, Teil 2, Nr. 5h, Bd. 6, Bl. 177–183).
131. From Zurich Physics Colloquium
Zürich 1, Rämistr. 69, den 11. Okt. 1919
Alle Zweifel sind entschwunden
Endlich ist es nun gefunden:
Das Licht, das läuft natürlich krumm
Zu Einsteins allergrösstem Ruhm!
Es gratuliert herzlichst das
Züricher physikalische
Edgar Meyer, S. Ratnowsky Pólya
R Bär P. Epstein. P. Debye G. Iring
W. Steidler K. W. Meißner J Weyssenhoff,
A. Weinstein Janusch Libert-Weinstein
Grützi, grützi! Edith Janka Meissner (Kleine Huhn)
Arn Libert. Wolfke. Hartmann. H. Brändli
E. Stoll. Zangger Sophie Rotszajn
H. Lourie. H Weyl E Zermelo
AKS in the hand of Edgar Meyer. [31 007]. The postcard is addressed “Herrn Prof. Dr. A. Einstein
Berlin W. 30 Haberlandstr. 5,” and postmarked “Zürich Briefversand IX–X 11. X. [1]9[1]9 IX–X.”
[1]Eddington had reported preliminary results of the British eclipse expeditions at a meeting of the
British Association for the Advancement of Science in Bournemouth on 12 September 1919. News
about Eddington’s report had reached Einstein in Berlin through a telegram sent by Lorentz on 22
September 1919 (Doc. 110). On the basis of this telegram, Einstein had sent a note on the preliminary
results of the eclipse expeditions (Einstein 1919d [Vol. 7, Doc. 23]) to Die Naturwissenschaften on 9
October. Final results were only announced at a joint meeting of the Royal Society and the Royal
Astronomical Society in London on 6 November 1919. See also Doc. 137, note 4, and, for a general