I N D E X 3 4 7 19–20, 48, 87 discussion between AE and Hilbert, 48–49 Gravitational fields, dynamic, AE on, 155 Greater Berlin Adult Education Program, 205 Grebe, Leonhard (1883–1967): 47, 196–197, 200– 201, 206, 213, 214–215, 245, 282, 290, 295–297, 307 on gravitational redshift in Sun, 20–21, 47–48 requests KWIP funds for spectroscopic measurements of redshift, 20 Grommer, Jakob (1879–1933): 56 mathematical assistance, funded by KWIP, 57 Grossmann, Marcel (1878–1936): 275 condo- lences on Pauline Einstein’s death, 298 on French edition of AE’s scientific papers, 250 on Schlick’s book, 298 Grühr, Heinz, 268 Grüneisen, Eduard (1877–1949), 42 Guillaume, Edouard (1881–1959): 231–233, 250, 262, 276 discusses with AE time dila- tion, 231–233, 255–256, 262–264 congratu- lates AE, 231 Guillaume, Hélène (1883–1928), 264 Gumpertz, Ludwig (1855–1943), 35, 46 Gutmann, Ida, on heritability of dialects, 313 Guye, Charles-Eugène (1866–1942): 213, 248, 278 invites AE to lecture at University of Geneva, 226 on motion of electrons, 214 Gyromagnetic effect, measurement of, 5 Haas, Hendrik A. de (1919–?), 32, 68 Haas, Marc de (1866–1951), 32 Haas, Wander de (1878–1960): 10, 31, 33, 81, 84, 87, 139 on moving expenses, 95 Haas-Lorentz, Gertruida de (1885–1973), 81 Haber, Fritz (1868–1934): 68–71, 187, 192, 236, 317 about to go to Switzerland, 68 character of, AE on, 169 friendship with AE, 70 on compressibility of monovalent metals, 47 on keeping AE in Germany, 61, 70 requests AE’s review of Wildhagen’s dissertation, 68– 69 on salary raise for AE, 70–71 on Switzer- land, 70 successor to Fischer at University of Berlin, 301 Habicht, Conrad (1876–1958), 71–72 Haeckel, Ernst (1834–1919): “materialism” of, 216 at beginning of WWI, 209 Haenisch, Konrad (1876–1925): 264, 295 an- nuls Nicolai’s expulsion from University of Berlin, 293 approves special courses for for- eign students at University of Berlin, 287 at- tacked by right wing, 294 congratulates AE for positive light deflection, 294 invites AE to visit, 294 Hamel, Georg (1877–1954): 279 lectures on Weyl’s theory, 279 Hamilton principle, 19, 22 Harms, Karl (1876–1946), 41, 124 Harnack, Adolf von (1851–1930), 61 Harress, Franz, on optics of moving bodies, 122– 124, 130 Hartmann, Alfred (1891–?), 113 Hartmann, Johannes (1865–1936), 13 Hartmann, Ludo (1865–1924), 167, 303 Harzer, Paul (1857–1932), on light velocity, 130–131 Hatred, political, Zangger on, 120 Hauptmann, Carl (1858–1921), 195 Hebrew University: as intellectual center of world Jewry, 143 Epstein prepared to teach at, 105 for East European Jewish students, 116 foundation stone laid, 152 founding of, 116 involvement of, Courant, 133, 143, Ehrenfest, 132, 143, 212, Epstein, 132, 143, Ornstein, 174, 191, 202, 253, Weizmann, 152 research institutes as of primary impor- tance, 202 scholars’ conference in Basel, 143, 132, 136, 152–153, 164, 167, 174, 178, 181, 186, 191–192, 218, postponed, 198, 202, 204, 205, 212, program, 143–144. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT: JEWISH MATTERS: He- brew University Heger, Paul (1846–1925), 31, 64 Heine, Heinrich (1797–1856), poem on Buri- dan’s ass, 204 Heine, Wolfgang (1861–1944), 198 Helfritz, Hans (1877–1958), 264 Heller, Stephen (1813–1888), 50 Helm, Georg (1851–1923), 66 Henri, Victor (1872–1940), 120 Hercules globular cluster, 168 Herglotz, Gustav (1881–1953): 225, 253 on ri- gidity in special relativity, 292 as successor to Carathéodory, 213 Heritability: of acquired characteristics, 313 of dialects, 313 Herrigel, Hermann (1888–1973), 52 Hertel, Eduard (1899–1954), 268 Hertz, Paul (1881–1940), 41