D O C S . 3 4 9 , 3 5 0 M A R C H 1 9 2 0 2 9 3 that could lead to a system of differential equations of motion for be ap- plied?—Isn’t this obviously an important question for any physicist? Would you perhaps give me hint toward solving it? Respectfully, with best regards, Ludwig Silberstein. 349. To Konrad Haenisch Berlin, [between 10 and 12 March 1920][1] Highly esteemed Minister, My joy[2] at your meritorious and fair decision in the Nicolai affair is so great that I cannot refrain from thanking you specially.[3] You have not only reinstated the dignity of German universities abroad, which had been injured by the university senate’s resolution,[4] but also proved that the government of the new Germany is determined to protect freedom of speech.[5] It is a fine counterpoint to the Arons case[6] of which you and the new[7] Germany can be proud. Hoping[8] that the university staff and students soon also realize that they owe you their gratitude for your decision,[9] I am, in sincere admiration, yours very truly, A. Einstein. 350. From Georg Count von Arco Tempelhof, Berlin, 49/50 Albrecht St., 12 March 1920 Esteemed Professor, During my visit at the Ministry of Culture the day before yesterday, Mr. Becker’s deputy, Prof. Richter, informed me roughly along the same lines as the communi- cations in the interview that Haenisch released in today’s issue of the Tageblatt, i.e., despite personal animosity against Nicolai, the Ministry of Culture has come forward against the resolution by the [university] senate, as a matter of principle.[1] Mr. Richter again impressed upon me to make certain that Nicolai not publish anything under any circumstances without prior consultation with the Ministry of Culture. He believes that if Nicolai announced new lectures in the summer and they were placed under the protection of a police force made available by the Culture Ministry upon application to the Interior Ministry, the occurrence of disturbances would still not by any means be eliminated.[2] He thinks, however, that by announ- cing the new lectures only for the winter semester, such danger could then be ex- cluded. m1, m2
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