1 3 4 D O C U M E N T 1 3 8 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 3
next hour will bring. I love your little group, too, and look forward to seeing them
The paper will be appearing
the proofs have already been read and
a copy has been sent to
I didn’t send you a correction proof because the
paper is too brief for your taste. (Violation by the cocreator.) Nice people in
(1) Gano Dunn, 20 Washington Square, a major electrical industrialist and a very
fine fellow who is warmly inclined toward me and will receive you well.
(2) Prof.
prof. of philosophy at the College of the City of New York, a
friend of the Dunns.
Otherwise no one else occurs to me whom I know well enough and is recom-
mendable. There is something interesting in physics, but that’s for another time
when it has matured better.
Warm regards to all of you together from your
138. From Max Straus[1]
Berlin S. O. 33, 26 Schlesische St., 5 November 1923
Esteemed Professor,
The proprietor of the Max Glücksmann firm in Buenos
with whom my
company has been cooperating for many years on a grand scale and who is a per-
sonal friend of mine, sent me a telegram some 10 days ago which reads as follows:
“For Straus, Glücksmann as representative of excellent Jewish families re-
quests inviting Einstein visit Argentina; they extend guarantee of $4,000.–
free passage there and back first class, sojourn free of charge, favorable
time April, May, June, July, August, September; request reply by cable.
which I received only today, as I just now arrived back from a trip abroad.
I resp[ectfully] ask you please to inform me whether you can give me an oppor-
tunity to talk with you re. this telegram and, upon advance notice by telephone
(Moritz Square 11840), am ever pleased to place myself at your disposal.
I sign with my compliments in utmost respect,
M. Straus.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

1 3 4 D O C U M E N T 1 3 8 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 3
next hour will bring. I love your little group, too, and look forward to seeing them
The paper will be appearing
the proofs have already been read and
a copy has been sent to
I didn’t send you a correction proof because the
paper is too brief for your taste. (Violation by the cocreator.) Nice people in
(1) Gano Dunn, 20 Washington Square, a major electrical industrialist and a very
fine fellow who is warmly inclined toward me and will receive you well.
(2) Prof.
prof. of philosophy at the College of the City of New York, a
friend of the Dunns.
Otherwise no one else occurs to me whom I know well enough and is recom-
mendable. There is something interesting in physics, but that’s for another time
when it has matured better.
Warm regards to all of you together from your
138. From Max Straus[1]
Berlin S. O. 33, 26 Schlesische St., 5 November 1923
Esteemed Professor,
The proprietor of the Max Glücksmann firm in Buenos
with whom my
company has been cooperating for many years on a grand scale and who is a per-
sonal friend of mine, sent me a telegram some 10 days ago which reads as follows:
“For Straus, Glücksmann as representative of excellent Jewish families re-
quests inviting Einstein visit Argentina; they extend guarantee of $4,000.–
free passage there and back first class, sojourn free of charge, favorable
time April, May, June, July, August, September; request reply by cable.
which I received only today, as I just now arrived back from a trip abroad.
I resp[ectfully] ask you please to inform me whether you can give me an oppor-
tunity to talk with you re. this telegram and, upon advance notice by telephone
(Moritz Square 11840), am ever pleased to place myself at your disposal.
I sign with my compliments in utmost respect,
M. Straus.

