D O C U M E N T 3 9 1 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 4 3 8 7
sidered your refusal for 1925 likely. From the outset, however, we had the intention
of repeating this invitation for the following year (1926). As I just learned, Millikan
contacted you from New York about this, and I do not want to fail to support his
request with my modest art of persuasion.
Pasadena is developing more and more into an important center for physics. We
have a handsome number of talented young people at the
so you would
have here occasion to exert far-reaching, fruitful influence on American physics. It
is almost certain that H. A. Lorentz will also be our guest at the same
that opens new prospects for an intense exchange of scientific ideas. Ehrenfest,
who felt very comfortable in Pasadena, will confirm to you that the climate here is
very favorable toward the peripatetic approach to
I naturally do not need
to mention what immense advantage I personally would draw from being in your
As concerns the living conditions, Millikan will take care that you not be both-
ered by reporters. If you bring your violin along, I am in a position to assemble a
very serviceable string quartet for you, and some solution would also be found for
playing sonatas.
I am sure that under these conditions your impressions of America will be far
more favorable than those from your last
Thus I earnestly ask you please to
subject our proposals to your most benevolent scrutiny.
Although unacquainted with the esteemed Mrs. Einstein, I convey my respectful
greetings to her along with the most courteous petition that she put in a few good
words for our plan.
With cordial regards also to
and the physics group, I am very sincerely
Paul S. Epstein.
391. From Paul Winteler and Maja Winteler-Einstein
[Quinto at Sesto-Fiorentino, 5 December 1924]
Declaration of Honor
I hereby declare to Albert Einstein in Berlin on my word of honor that during his
lifetime I will never sell or encumber with a mortgage my real estate property
(building and grounds) in Quinto near Sesto-Fiorentino (Florence) (parcels 568,
569, 570, 573, & 1658 of the Land Registry in Florence) without his explicit con-
sent. This statement is made at the wish and intention of Albert Einstein, who made
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 3 9 1 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 4 3 8 7
sidered your refusal for 1925 likely. From the outset, however, we had the intention
of repeating this invitation for the following year (1926). As I just learned, Millikan
contacted you from New York about this, and I do not want to fail to support his
request with my modest art of persuasion.
Pasadena is developing more and more into an important center for physics. We
have a handsome number of talented young people at the
so you would
have here occasion to exert far-reaching, fruitful influence on American physics. It
is almost certain that H. A. Lorentz will also be our guest at the same
that opens new prospects for an intense exchange of scientific ideas. Ehrenfest,
who felt very comfortable in Pasadena, will confirm to you that the climate here is
very favorable toward the peripatetic approach to
I naturally do not need
to mention what immense advantage I personally would draw from being in your
As concerns the living conditions, Millikan will take care that you not be both-
ered by reporters. If you bring your violin along, I am in a position to assemble a
very serviceable string quartet for you, and some solution would also be found for
playing sonatas.
I am sure that under these conditions your impressions of America will be far
more favorable than those from your last
Thus I earnestly ask you please to
subject our proposals to your most benevolent scrutiny.
Although unacquainted with the esteemed Mrs. Einstein, I convey my respectful
greetings to her along with the most courteous petition that she put in a few good
words for our plan.
With cordial regards also to
and the physics group, I am very sincerely
Paul S. Epstein.
391. From Paul Winteler and Maja Winteler-Einstein
[Quinto at Sesto-Fiorentino, 5 December 1924]
Declaration of Honor
I hereby declare to Albert Einstein in Berlin on my word of honor that during his
lifetime I will never sell or encumber with a mortgage my real estate property
(building and grounds) in Quinto near Sesto-Fiorentino (Florence) (parcels 568,
569, 570, 573, & 1658 of the Land Registry in Florence) without his explicit con-
sent. This statement is made at the wish and intention of Albert Einstein, who made

