3 5 2 D O C U M E N T S 3 5 4 , 3 5 5 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4
actually methodologically new just begins with chap. 5 at the bottom of page 14.
The first 4 chapters can hence perhaps be skipped.
In great respect, I remain most sincerely yours,
Dr. K. Lanczos
Assistant at the Inst. of Theor. Phys.
354. From Paul Langevin
Paris, 31 October 1924
My dear Friend,
I understand very well that it is impossible for you to come so far at the moment
and I would not have even asked this question if I had not believed you still to be
This way I found the opportunity to write you and to get news from
you, which makes me not regret too much having bothered you with this subject.
We are counting on seeing Mr.
here next Friday and Saturday to talk
about the bibliography.
As I do not have his address, I would be very grateful if you could arrange to
have the attached message reach him prior to his departure from Berlin, excusing
me for having relied on you again to facilitate these contacts, to which the Commit-
tee on [Intellectual] Cooperation seems to attach importance.
I am convinced that the organization of an institute in Paris would [not] be the
source of any serious difficulties—especially if the other countries take analogous
initiatives—and it is reasonable that intellectual ties have an active agency in each
country, a place where meetings could take place in turns, even when Geneva can
offer to the International Committee a site worthy of
Will we have the possibility of seeing each other before too many months pass?
Meanwhile, please give my kind regards to Mrs. Einstein and, sincerely, most
affectionately yours,
P. Langevin.
355. From Albert Wigand[1]
Halle, 31 October 1924
Esteemed Professor,
Our colleague Gockel informed
that in a presentation in Lucerne you had
mentioned that, according to relativity theory, Poisson’s theorem could not be ap-
plied on a large scale, and that therefore the free volume charge of the atmosphere