D O C U M E N T 7 8 J U LY 1 9 2 3 8 3
fortunately must go to Holland; this cannot easily be postponed because
is traveling to America afterwards. Do write me immediately now
when your treatment is finished so that I can decide whether we can make a detour
to Kiel now.
I forward to you a letter for Mama from America. She should send out the doc-
umentation listed in it directly so that I can arrange for the deposit of the
Kisses from your
78. To Hendrik A. Lorentz
[Berlin,] 15 July 1923
Dear and esteemed Mr. Lorentz,
In everyday life, embarrassment forbids us from confessing our love to those
whom we admire most. But your seventieth birthday surely may break this
How often have I found deep solace in your noble and outstanding personality,
when human affairs round about me looked hopelessly gloomy! For, a person like
you comforts and uplifts by his very existence and example. Beyond that, I am
lucky to be particularly profoundly attached to you, in that I may honor you as my
teacher in matters of science, whose paths I have followed that led to the most im-
portant element of my life. Yet not just in our science, but also in your stance to-
ward individual persons and in human affairs on a grand scale, you are and will re-
main for me a shining, if unattainable model. May some of your kind understanding
toward all things and your fair nature also transfer onto the League of Nations. I am
honestly pleased to have a part—through an albeit indirect, somber chain of
events—in the cause of your direct participation in the development of the mission
for international understanding.
I do not have a sense of certainty yet if the newly completed investigations on
gravitation and electricity contain something of the truth, even
But reach-
ing a conclusion about it through experimental means does not seem to me to be
I shall tell you about this when I have the good fortune to see
you again in the fall.
With most cordial good wishes and greetings to you and your wife, yours,
A. Einstein.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 7 8 J U LY 1 9 2 3 8 3
fortunately must go to Holland; this cannot easily be postponed because
is traveling to America afterwards. Do write me immediately now
when your treatment is finished so that I can decide whether we can make a detour
to Kiel now.
I forward to you a letter for Mama from America. She should send out the doc-
umentation listed in it directly so that I can arrange for the deposit of the
Kisses from your
78. To Hendrik A. Lorentz
[Berlin,] 15 July 1923
Dear and esteemed Mr. Lorentz,
In everyday life, embarrassment forbids us from confessing our love to those
whom we admire most. But your seventieth birthday surely may break this
How often have I found deep solace in your noble and outstanding personality,
when human affairs round about me looked hopelessly gloomy! For, a person like
you comforts and uplifts by his very existence and example. Beyond that, I am
lucky to be particularly profoundly attached to you, in that I may honor you as my
teacher in matters of science, whose paths I have followed that led to the most im-
portant element of my life. Yet not just in our science, but also in your stance to-
ward individual persons and in human affairs on a grand scale, you are and will re-
main for me a shining, if unattainable model. May some of your kind understanding
toward all things and your fair nature also transfer onto the League of Nations. I am
honestly pleased to have a part—through an albeit indirect, somber chain of
events—in the cause of your direct participation in the development of the mission
for international understanding.
I do not have a sense of certainty yet if the newly completed investigations on
gravitation and electricity contain something of the truth, even
But reach-
ing a conclusion about it through experimental means does not seem to me to be
I shall tell you about this when I have the good fortune to see
you again in the fall.
With most cordial good wishes and greetings to you and your wife, yours,
A. Einstein.

