D O C U M E N T S 7 , 8 A P R I L 1 9 2 3 1 1
more. From there I have to go to Leyden for two
I am very glad that the
trials with the compass came out so satisfactorily. I shall write to the boys about
It will be grand.
With cordial regards to both of you, yours,
A. Einstein.
P. S. Don’t trouble yourself about the cottage interior. You know that I am an incor-
rigible gypsy, and untidy to boot.
7. To Unknown
Berlin, 9 April 1923
You will find my first paper, in which the equivalence of inertial mass and energy
is demonstrated, in the Annalen der Physik, volume 17, 1905, under the title: “Does
the Inertia of a Body Depend upon Its Energy
The notion that it would
have been possible to base this result on chemical considerations is mistaken. If a
material system releases energy externally during a reaction, then one would surely
have to say, sloppily formulated, that the energy “originated from the system’s
mass of materials”; however, from the chemical standpoint one has no argument
whatsoever that supports the claim that through such a process the system’s total
inertial or gravitational mass experiences a diminution…
8. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
Kiel, 10 April 1923
Dear esteemed Professor Einstein,
It’s superb that you want to come around the 20th of this
The finished
apartment is awaiting you, and I have a whole list of interesting things to ask: con-
verter, artificial horizon, i.e., pilot’s horizon, a new alternating current relay, etc. I
think you are coming just in time for the launch of the new, or I should say, the lat-
est gyrocompass; re. the damping, we aren’t quite in the clear yet; I think the mer-
cury’s surface tension is
I gather from your letter of today that you obviously did not receive my letter
with the apartment floor plan, which I sent to the university in Tokyo; but now I
won’t write to you about that anymore; now it will just have to suit you, no matter
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T S 7 , 8 A P R I L 1 9 2 3 1 1
more. From there I have to go to Leyden for two
I am very glad that the
trials with the compass came out so satisfactorily. I shall write to the boys about
It will be grand.
With cordial regards to both of you, yours,
A. Einstein.
P. S. Don’t trouble yourself about the cottage interior. You know that I am an incor-
rigible gypsy, and untidy to boot.
7. To Unknown
Berlin, 9 April 1923
You will find my first paper, in which the equivalence of inertial mass and energy
is demonstrated, in the Annalen der Physik, volume 17, 1905, under the title: “Does
the Inertia of a Body Depend upon Its Energy
The notion that it would
have been possible to base this result on chemical considerations is mistaken. If a
material system releases energy externally during a reaction, then one would surely
have to say, sloppily formulated, that the energy “originated from the system’s
mass of materials”; however, from the chemical standpoint one has no argument
whatsoever that supports the claim that through such a process the system’s total
inertial or gravitational mass experiences a diminution…
8. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
Kiel, 10 April 1923
Dear esteemed Professor Einstein,
It’s superb that you want to come around the 20th of this
The finished
apartment is awaiting you, and I have a whole list of interesting things to ask: con-
verter, artificial horizon, i.e., pilot’s horizon, a new alternating current relay, etc. I
think you are coming just in time for the launch of the new, or I should say, the lat-
est gyrocompass; re. the damping, we aren’t quite in the clear yet; I think the mer-
cury’s surface tension is
I gather from your letter of today that you obviously did not receive my letter
with the apartment floor plan, which I sent to the university in Tokyo; but now I
won’t write to you about that anymore; now it will just have to suit you, no matter

