6 D O C . 1 K A I S E R W I L H E L M I N S T I T U T E O F P H Y S I C S
1. “Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics”[1]
[Einstein 1923i]
Published 1 April 1923
In: Vossische Zeitung, 1 April 1923, morning ed., 1st suppl., p. [1].
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics merely constitutes a fund for the sup-
port of purely scientific research in the field of theoretical and experimental phys-
ics. As a consequence, the institute possesses no building complete with a labora-
tory and apparatus; thus the available income can be used entirely for the
furtherance of scientific
Before the war, the institute had at its disposal an annual budget of 75,000
in the elapsed year it came to 300,000 marks; therefore, in any case, at the
then current exchange rate, far under 1,000 gold
Through a stipend from
abroad, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of the Sciences is now in
a position to place at the disposal of the K. W. Institute of Physics an amount of
almost 22 million for this year, which at the current exchange rate corresponds to
about 4,400 gold marks. Even with this amount, which is scarcely more than one
twentieth of the sum available before the war, effective promotion of scientific re-
search in Germany is not achievable.
Professor Dr. A. Einstein, Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

6 D O C . 1 K A I S E R W I L H E L M I N S T I T U T E O F P H Y S I C S
1. “Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics”[1]
[Einstein 1923i]
Published 1 April 1923
In: Vossische Zeitung, 1 April 1923, morning ed., 1st suppl., p. [1].
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics merely constitutes a fund for the sup-
port of purely scientific research in the field of theoretical and experimental phys-
ics. As a consequence, the institute possesses no building complete with a labora-
tory and apparatus; thus the available income can be used entirely for the
furtherance of scientific
Before the war, the institute had at its disposal an annual budget of 75,000
in the elapsed year it came to 300,000 marks; therefore, in any case, at the
then current exchange rate, far under 1,000 gold
Through a stipend from
abroad, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of the Sciences is now in
a position to place at the disposal of the K. W. Institute of Physics an amount of
almost 22 million for this year, which at the current exchange rate corresponds to
about 4,400 gold marks. Even with this amount, which is scarcely more than one
twentieth of the sum available before the war, effective promotion of scientific re-
search in Germany is not achievable.
Professor Dr. A. Einstein, Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics.

