680 INDEX Arrhenius, Svante (1859-1927), 16n Aurel Stodola's comments on book by, 125 on dissociation, 13 on entropy of universe, 125 work on dissociation of, 16n Atomic theory, AE's use of, 10, 17 Atomic vibrations, frequencies of: in quan- tum theory of specific heat, 302 Atomism, Ernst Mach's skepticism on, 204n Auer von Welsbach, Carl (1858-1929), 438n Auer, Leopold (1845-1930), 306, 308n, 479 Austrians, conflict with Serbs: AE on, 508n Avogadro's law, 280 Avogadro's number: German designations for, 218n Jean Perrin's determination of, 216 Max Planck's determination of, 217 Axalp, 136n Balzac, Honore de (1799-1850), 546 Bancelin, Jacques, 271 experiments on vis- cosity of mastic emulsions: 267n, discrepancy with AE's prediction, 218n, 266, 267n, 268 Bandi, Benvenuto (1905-1926), 592n Bandi, Ernst (?-1906), death of: 45n, 581n Einstein's condolences on, 44 Bandi, Ernst (1907-1991), 592n Bandi-Winteler, Rosa (1875-1962), 3n, 531, 531n, 588, 590 business problems of: AE's advice on, 580, 589 plans for board- ing house in Winterthur, 580n visited by AE, 591, 592 Basel, meeting of Schweizerische Naturfor- schende Gesellschaft in: AE's paper at, 250n, 252n Battelli, Angelo (1862-1916), 16n on disso- ciation, 12 Baur, Emil (1873-1944), 540n Beatenberg, AE's trip to, 5 Beck, Günther (1856-1931), 284n Becker, Emma (1887-?), 406n Beckmann, Ernst (1853-1923), 16n, 511, 598n on dissociation, 13 terms of appointment of, 514n Belgrade, possible teaching position for AE and Mileva Einstein-Marid in, 23n Bell Manufacturing Co., 304 Belli, Giuseppe, 52 induction machine of, 51 Bennet, Abraham, induction machine of, 51 Berlin, AE's comments on inhabitants of, 574 Berlin-Babelsberg, observatory at, 504 Bernoulli, August (1879-1939), 390n, 478n AE on abilities of, 390 appointment to chair at University of Basel: 456n, AE's comments on, 455, 468 Bernoulli, Johann I, 469n Bernoulli, Johann II, 469n Besso family, 186 Besso, Bice (1890-1965): tutored by Maja Winteler-Einstein, 12n Besso, Ermina (1852-1922): visit by Michele Besso, 47n Besso, Michele (1873-1955), 11n, 18n, 32n, 40, 187n, 204n and financial problems of Maja Winteler-Einstein, 16n appointment at Swiss Patent Office, 41n attends Aurel Stodola's lectures at ETH, 219n collabo- ration with AE on perihelion motion of Mercury, 589n departure from Zurich for Trieste, 531 ill in Prague, 531 invited to Prague by AE, 295 letter from AE, 48n, 189n letter from Einstein-Marid, Mileva, 571n, 593n letter to Stodola, Aurel, 219n move to Gorizia, 296n on dissociation, 13 visit to AE in Prague, 314 visit to AE in Zurich, 524n visit to Ermina Besso in Trieste, 47 Besso, Vero (1898-1971), 12n, 187n, 322, 339, 382, 404, 438n, 589, 604 AE's gifts to, 310, 438 private instruction of, 296 Besso-Winteler, Anna (1872-1944), 3, 3n, 12n, 187n, 320n, 322, 339, 344n, 382, 589, 604 Biegel, R. A., 540n Binary stars, use of observations of, in test of emission theory of light, 524n AE on, 523 Erwin Freundlich's dispute with Willem de Sitter on, 555n Erwin Freundlich's paper on, 555 Birencweig, Gabryela, 244 Black-body radiation: AE's study of, 26, 27n entropy of: AE's criticism of Max Planck's views on, 49, Max Planck on, 49. See also Radiation theory Blausee, AE's and Maurice Solovine's trip to, 27 Bleuler, Hermann, letter from Weber, H. F., 234n letter from Hurwitz, Adolf, 34n Blondel, Andre-Eugene (1863-1938), 384n oscillograph of, 383