INDEX Italic page numbers indicate references to front matter, or to editorial notes. Page numbers followed by a lowercase "n" indicate footnotes to Einstein documents. References are collected under the appropriate English heading. "Albert Einstein" is abbreviated to "AE" in subentries. Correspondence cited in editorial material is listed alphabetically by correspondent/recipient following the words "correspondence with" (referring to a group of letters exchanged with AE) and/or "letter from/to" (referring to specific letters). A separate index of citations follows the main index. Aargau Kantonsschule: AE's studies at, 34 Abraham, Max (1875-1922), 120n, 190n, 232n, 251n, 449, 455, 595, 597n AE's comments on, 189, 231 AE's response to criticism by, 595 candidacy for chair at University of Zurich: AE's recommenda- tion of, 447, negative decision on, 448n criticism of general relativity, AE's com- ments on, 588 criticism of Jakob Laub's work, 231 discussion with Wilhelm Wien on radiation theory, 57, 59, 448n invited by AE, 242 model of electron of, 57 paper on electrodynamics of moving media: 162n, AE's comments on, 161 ponderomotive forces of: 119, AE's com- ments on, 308 recommends Paul Ehrenfest as AE's successor in Prague, 446 theory of gravitation of: 394n, AE's criticism of, 395, 408, 413, 418, 420, 421, 430, 436, 447, 483, 550, AE's criticism of modified version, 505, controversy with AE on, 394, 394n, 406, 480, 501, equa- tions of motion in, 465, 467 Ackermann-Teubner, Alfred (1857-1941), 75n Action, and reaction: in AE's and Jakob Laub's electrodynamics of moving media, 131, 132n, 253 in AE's theory of static gravitational field, 430n, 486n in H. A. Lorentz's electrodynamics, 149n Adams, Walter Sydney (1876-1956), 316, 317n, 328, 330, 347, 354, 355, 357 Adiabatic invariants, Paul Ehrenfest's theory of, 564 Adler, Friedrich (1879-1960), 199n, 264 course at University of Zurich, 199 letter from Mach, Ernst, 204n letter to Adler, Victor, 96n, 257n on AE's candidacy for chair in Prague, 254n Adler, Josef (1844-1918), 239n Adler, Kathia: letter to Adler, Victor, 247n, 254n Adler, Paul (1878-1910), 238, 239n Adler, Rosa (1855-1935), 238, 239n Adler, Victor: letter from Adler, Friedrich, 96n, 257n letter from Adler, Kathia, 247n letter to Adler, Kathia, 254n visit by AE in Vienna, 258n Aepfelkammer tavern, 252 Alloys: electrical conductivity of, AE on, 337, 338 electrical resistance of, Michele Besso on, 318 Alte Münze restaurant, 115n AE's comments on, 114 Andreyev, Ivan (1880-1919), 540n Ansbacher family, Alfred Stern's visit to, 479 Ansbacher, Bernardo (1845-1914), 12, 16n, 479n Ansbacher, Julie (1845-1933), 403, 404n, 479n Ansbacher, Luigi (1878-1956), 23n, 183n, 403, 404n, 479n AE's visit to, 183 stay in Hechingen of, 23 Arnold, Libert, 244
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