596 DOCUMENT 507 JANUARY 1914 Gleichzeitig mit diesem Brief sende ich Ihnen die Korrektur des Artikel- chens über die Kinetik, das ich für die Kultur der Gegenwart geschrieben habe.[14] Wenn es Ihnen zu fad ist, können Sie damit einheizen. Das Separa- tum über Relativitätstheorie[15] sende ich Ihnen auch, wenn ichs erhalte, eben- so das des Artikelchens in die Scientia", vielleicht auch das in die phys. Zeitschrift,[16] in dem Sie aber der gelehrte Jargon stören wird. Herzlichen Gruss von Ihrem Einstein. Freundliche Grüsse an Prof. Hugenin[17] und an Ihre Frau. ALS (Estate of Heinrich Zangger, Zurich). [70 193]. [1]This letter is dated on the assumption that it was written about the time of funding ap- proval for the eclipse expedition. [2]Zangger had applied to the cantonal authorities for sick leave during winter semester 1913/1914 (see Heinrich Zangger to Heinrich Ernst, 3 October 1913, SzZSa, U 106 c .3 (62)), and was spending some of his convalescence at the seashore (see note 17). [3]The article is Einstein 1914h (Vol. 4, Doc. 31). Max Abraham's article is Abraham 1914a. See also Abraham's angry response, Abraham 1914b, and Cattani and De Maria 1989 for a discussion of this second controversy between Einstein and Abraham. [4]See the preceding document, note 6. [5]The reference is to act 1, scene 1 of Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro (Le Nozze di Figa- ro, 1786), libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte (1749-1838). Figaro is alone, and furiously exclaims to the absent Count Almaviva, who has designs on Figaro's wife-to-be: "If you would dance my noble Lord, 'tis I will call the tune" ("Se vuol ballare, signor Contino I il chitarrino le suonerö"). [6]In early February the Prussian Minister of Education approved Erwin Freundlich's re- quest for support in fitting out an expedition to observe a solar eclipse and gather data that would allow a test of Einstein's prediction of gravitational light deflection (see Friedrich Schmidt to Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 7 February 1914, GyBAW, II-VII, Vol. 157, p. 162), and the Academy notified Freundlich of governmental approval five days later (see Hermann Diels to Erwin Freundlich, 12 February 1914, GyBAW, II-VII, Vol. 157, p. 170). On Freundlich's earlier efforts toward financing some of the costs of an expedition, see Doc. 492 and the preceding document. [7]A reference to the polemic launched by Max Planck at the end of 1908 (see Doc. 174, note 4, and Doc. 448, note 3). See Docs. 495 and 499 for earlier references to Planck's skep- ticism about Einstein's theory. [8]Otto Roth (1853-1927) was Professor of Hygiene and Bacteriology at the ETH. At the end of December 1913 he prepared an expert opinion on the amount of carbon monoxide in Zangger's office at the Forensic Medicine Institute of the University of Zurich. Roth submit- ted the report on 5 January 1914 (see Verzeichniss der im Officeschrank befindlichen Gutach- ten, SzZE Bibliothek, Hs. 956:5). [9]Robert Heller, who was supervising the practical exercises in the Forensic Medicine In- stitute in ZANGGER's absence (see Heinrich Zangger to Albert Locher, Regierungsrat, Canton of Zurich, 3 October 1913, SzZSa, U 106 c .3 (62)). [10]As a Bohemian national, Heller, who had received his doctorate in medicine two years earlier (see Doc. 361, note 1), may have needed a qualifying certificate to practice in Switzer- land. [11]Einstein requested formal acceptance of his resignation from the ETH at the end of No- vember (Doc. 487) after receiving official notification of a call to Berlin a week earlier (see Doc. 485).