DOCUMENT 14 OCTOBER 1903 23 ziemlich sicher zu sein, daß der mir günstig gesinnte Oberlin Adjunkt wird.[7] Luigi ist in nächster Zeit in Hechingen.[8] Will sehen, ob er noch nach Bern kommt. Komme bald und sei gebusselt vom Jonzl.[9] Herzliche Grüße an alle. ALS (CLE). [76 360]. [1]Dated by the reference to the duration of Einstein-Marie's absence (see the preceding document). [2]Marid's and Einstein's daughter had been born ca. January 1902, a year before their mar- riage (see Einstein to Mileva Marie, 4 February 1902 [Vol. 1, Doc. 134]). [3]A son, Hans Albert, was born 14 May 1904. [4]Registering the child may indicate the parents' intention of giving it up. Perhaps they considered Lieserl's illegitimacy a threat to Einstein's provisional appointment at the Swiss Patent Office (see Swiss Department of Justice to Einstein, 19 June 1902 [Vol. 1, Doc. 141]). Half a year earlier Einstein-Maric had inquired about teaching positions for her husband and herself in Belgrade, perhaps with the thought of raising the child themselves (see Mileva Einstein-Maric to Helene Savid, ca. 20 March 1903, Milan Popovic, Belgrade). [5]Friedrich Haller (1844-1936) was Director of the Swiss Patent Office (see Vol. 1, Biog- raphy, pp. 382-383). [6]Einstein was probably providing financial support to Pauline Einstein in order to enable her to liquidate debts inherited from her late husband's business failures (see Einstein to Mi- leva Marid, 23 March 1901 [Vol. 1, Doc. 93], note 15). [7]Hermann Oberlin (1857-1928), Technical Expert first class, was appointed deputy ad- ministrator for technical affairs ("Technischer Adjunkt") in the Swiss Patent Office on 2 Oc- tober 1903 (see Schweizerisches Bundesblatt 55, no. 40 [7 October 1903], p. 218). [8]Luigi Ansbacher (1878-1956) was a son of close friends of the Einstein family in Milan. He left Hechingen on 19 September (see Pauline Einstein to Paul Winteler, 20 September 1903, MBU, Special Collections). [9]A variant of an Einstein nickname (see the preceding document). 14. To Conrad Habicht [Bern, 3 October 1903] Lieber C. Kommen Sie doch nächstens an einem Sonntag nach Bern, damit wir alles Nötige fertig machen und besprechen.[1] Es geht nicht gut schriftlich. Freundliche Grüße an den Erfinderischen.[2] Ihr A. E. AKS (Walter Habicht, Rodersdorf, Switzerland). [12 432]. The verso is addressed "Herrn Dr. Conr. Habicht Mathematiker Schaffhausen.," and postmarked "Bern Fil. Kornhaus 3.X.03.-3." [1]After receiving his doctorate from the University of Bern on 23 July 1903 (see Diplom-