DOCUMENTS 252, 253 FEBRUARY 1911 279 [2]Heinrich Zangger was Extraordinary Professor of Forensic Medicine and of Physiology at the University of Zurich. [3]Zangger may have pursued such a possibility in Paris a few months later (see Doc. 263). [4]See, for instance, the first sentence of Einstein 1911b (Vol. 3, Doc. 13), in which Einstein thanks Zangger for drawing his attention to a paper by William Sutherland. [5]Zangger probably made Einstein's acquaintance six years earlier while pursuing an in- terest in molecular Brownian motion (see Doc. 27, note 7). [6]Zangger gave seven hours of instruction a week in the Faculties of Medicine and Vet- erinary Medicine of the University of Zurich, as well as directing its Laboratory of Forensic Medicine (see Zürich Verzeichnis 1910b, pp. 11 and 13) and serving as Director of the Physi- ological Institute in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In addition, as a forensic expert, he was expected to provide expert opinions to the Zurich courts (see Kreisschreiben des Oberge- richtes, Canton of Zurich, 30 October 1906, SzZSa, U 106 c .3 (62)). 252. To Friedrich Adler [Basel, 9 February 1911] Lieber Herr Adler! Besten Gruss von uns beiden aus Basel.[1] Wenn das Haus abbrennt,[2] oder sonst was Hübsches passiert, dann tele- graphieren Sie uns bitte an die Adresse Prof. H. A. Lorentz Leiden, wo wir bis Sonntag sind.[3] Nachher Herrn Cäsar Koch[4] 9 courte rue d'argile Ant- werpen. Die beiden Einsteine [...][5] AKS (SzZE Bibliothek, Hs. 304:175). [76 041]. The verso is addressed "Herrn Dr. F. Adler Moussonstr. 12 Zürich," and postmarked "Basel 14 Fil. S.B. Bhof. 9.II.11.-10." [1]En route to the Netherlands (see note 3). [2]The Einsteins occupied the floor above the Adler residence at Moussonstrasse 12 (see Einwohnerkontrolle, SzZ-Ar). [3]Einstein was scheduled to deliver a lecture in Leyden Friday, 10 February (see Doc. 250). [4]Caesar Koch (1854-1941) was Einstein's maternal uncle (see Vol. 1, Biography, p. 384) [5]A postscript by Mileva Einstein-Maric is omitted. 253. From Richard Swinne[1] Riga 1911-11-12 Hochgeehrter Herr Professor! Mit der Ausarbeitung eines Vortrages Über die Zählung der Atome im hie- sigen Naturforscher [V]erein zu halten beschäftigt,[2] bin ich zu Schlüssen ge- kommen, die ich Ihnen als einem Begründer der Lichtquantenhypothese vor- zulegen wage.