32 DOCUMENT 28 JUNE 1905 sieht er recht angegriffen aus. Ich glaube aber nicht, daß es möglich ist, ihn erträglicheren Lebensbedingungen zuzuführen-Sie kennen ihn ja! Es grüßt Sie Ihr A.E. Freundlichen Gruß von meiner Frau und von dem nun 1 Jahr alten Pieps- Vo- gel. Schicken Sie bald Ihre Arbeit! ALS (Walter Habicht, Rodersdorf, Switzerland). [12 420]. Cropped. [1]This letter is dated on the assumption that it was written the first or second Thursday fol- lowing the birthday of Einstein's son and the sixth or fifth week before completing his paper on electrodynamics (see note 8). [2]Easter Sunday was 23 April. [3]"Die Steinerschen Kreisreihen," which Habicht submitted to the Philosophical Faculty II, University of Bern, on 11 July 1903 (see Conrad Habicht to Friedrich Haag, of this date, SzBeSa, BB III b, Hochschule, Philos. Facultät, Vol. XI, 1903). [4]Einstein 1905i (Vol. 2, Doc. 14), Einstein's first paper on the light quantum hypothesis, which was published 9 June 1905 in the Annalen der Physik. [5]Einstein 1905j (Vol. 2, Doc. 15), Einstein's dissertation, which was dated 30 April 1905 and submitted 20 July 1905 to the Philosophical Faculty II, University of Zurich (see Doe. 29). [6]Einstein 1905k (Vol. 2, Doc. 16), which was received 11 May by the Annalen der Physik. [7]The reference to physiologists suggests that Einstein may already have been acquainted with an Extraordinary Professor of Physiology at the University of Zurich, Heinrich Zangger (1874-1957), who visited him in Bern about this time to consult on the question of Brownian molecular motion (see Heinrich Zangger's notes, ca. 1955, Estate of Heinrich Zangger, Zurich). Michele Besso, however, later claimed to have acquainted Einstein with the terminol- ogy (see Michele Besso to Carl Seelig, 15 January 1954, SzZE Bibliothek, Hs. 304:196). [8]Einstein 1905r (Vol. 2, Doc. 23), which was received 30 June by the Annalen der Physik. Einstein later reconstructed the length of time "between the conception of the idea for the spe- cial theory of relativity and the completion of the relevant publication" ("[z]wischen der Konzeption der Idee der speziellen Relativitätstheorie und der Beendigung der betreffenden Publikation") as five or six weeks (see Einstein to Carl Seelig, 11 March 1952, SzZE Biblio- thek, Hs. 304:9). In a lecture at Kyoto University in 1922 Einstein mentioned a period of five weeks (see Ishiwara 1971, pp. 78-88, for an account of the lecture). [9]Maurice Solovine. His goal at the University of Bern may have been a teaching diploma at the Gymnasium-level (Gymnasiallehrerpatent). 28. To Conrad Habicht Bern, Freitag [30 June-22 September 1905][1] . . . Sie sind aber schauerlich ernst geworden! Das macht die Einsiedelei in dem Saunest.[2] Wenn irgend Gelegenheit sein wird, werde ich Sie bei dem Haller ankreiden [3] vielleicht gelingt es, Sie unter die Patentierknechte zu schmuggeln, was für Sie immer noch relativ angenehm sein müßte. Wären Sie eigentlich bereit, zu kommen? Bedenken Sie, daß es im Tag neben den acht Stunden Arbeit noch acht Stunden Allotria und noch einen Sonntag gibt.