DOCUMENTS 248, 249 JANUARY 1911 275 tung, no. 12 [15 January 1911], p. [1], Bohemia 84, no. 15 [15 January 1911], p. 4), and Prager Tagblatt 35, no. 15 [15 January 1911], p. 3). [3]The semester ended 4 March (see Zürich Verzeichnis 1910b, title page). The mathematical-natural science section of the Philosophical Faculty II acknowledged the letter of resignation the following week and requested that Alfred Kleiner make recommenda- tions for a successor to the Department of Education (see Hans Schinz to Erziehungsdirektion, 26 January 1911, in the same file in SzZSa as this document). The Education Director sent the draft of a resolution accepting Einstein's resignation as of 15 April to the Zurich Governing Council (see Heinrich Ernst to Regierungsrat, 8 February 1911, in the same file in SzZSa as this document), and the Council passed the resolution two days later (see Aus dem Protokoll des Regierungsrates 1911, no. 247, 10 February 1911, in the same file in SzZSa as this docu- ment). Einstein's behavior before his resignation seems to have led to "altercations" ("Auseinan- dersetzungen") with Kleiner (see Alfred Kleiner to Kollege [Hans Schinz?], 18 January 1911, in the same file in SzZSa as this document). Kleiner may have resented the fact that Einstein's acceptance of a call to Prague came only six months after he was voted a significant salary increase and after he expressed a willingness to remain in Zurich (see Doc. 210, note 1), an intention he apparently reiterated in mid-November 1910 (see Doc. 231, note 3). 248. To Carl Schröter Zürich 20. I. 11. Hoch geehrter Herr Kollege! Ich danke Ihnen von Herzen für das grosse Wohlwollen, das Sie mir immer entgegenbringen. Morgen (Samstag) Morgen kommt der Stenograph, und wir werden solange beieinander sitzen, bis die Sache vollkommen erledigt ist.[1] Mit freundlichem Gruss Ihr ganz ergebener A. Einstein. ALS (Andreas Alther, St. Gallen, Switzerland). [74 620]. [1]Schröter, President of the Naturforschende Gesellschaft of Zurich, had requested that Einstein provide a manuscript of his lecture to the society on 16 January, an obligation which Einstein initially refused (see Doc. 237). Relenting, he prepared the publishable manuscript ("das druckfertige Manuskript") the weekend of 21 and 22 January, with the assistance of a University of Zurich student, Otto Vollenweider (1887-1973) (see the following document). The manuscript was based on a stenogram of the lecture (see Naturforschende Gesellschaft Zürich. Sitzungsberichte (1911): IX) it was published as Einstein 1911i (Vol. 3, Doc. 17). 249. To Carl Schröter Bern [Zurich, 21 January 1911][1] Dr. Albert Einstein & Otto Vollenweider stud. phil. danken Ihnen herzlich für die herrliche Versüssung ihres Geschäftes.[2] Es ist nun alles durchkorri- giert. Heute Nachmittag und morgen wird Herr Vollenweider die Sache in die
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DOCUMENTS 248, 249 JANUARY 1911 275 tung, no. 12 [15 January 1911], p. [1], Bohemia 84, no. 15 [15 January 1911], p. 4), and Prager Tagblatt 35, no. 15 [15 January 1911], p. 3). [3]The semester ended 4 March (see Zürich Verzeichnis 1910b, title page). The mathematical-natural science section of the Philosophical Faculty II acknowledged the letter of resignation the following week and requested that Alfred Kleiner make recommenda- tions for a successor to the Department of Education (see Hans Schinz to Erziehungsdirektion, 26 January 1911, in the same file in SzZSa as this document). The Education Director sent the draft of a resolution accepting Einstein's resignation as of 15 April to the Zurich Governing Council (see Heinrich Ernst to Regierungsrat, 8 February 1911, in the same file in SzZSa as this document), and the Council passed the resolution two days later (see Aus dem Protokoll des Regierungsrates 1911, no. 247, 10 February 1911, in the same file in SzZSa as this docu- ment). Einstein's behavior before his resignation seems to have led to "altercations" ("Auseinan- dersetzungen") with Kleiner (see Alfred Kleiner to Kollege [Hans Schinz?], 18 January 1911, in the same file in SzZSa as this document). Kleiner may have resented the fact that Einstein's acceptance of a call to Prague came only six months after he was voted a significant salary increase and after he expressed a willingness to remain in Zurich (see Doc. 210, note 1), an intention he apparently reiterated in mid-November 1910 (see Doc. 231, note 3). 248. To Carl Schröter Zürich 20. I. 11. Hoch geehrter Herr Kollege! Ich danke Ihnen von Herzen für das grosse Wohlwollen, das Sie mir immer entgegenbringen. Morgen (Samstag) Morgen kommt der Stenograph, und wir werden solange beieinander sitzen, bis die Sache vollkommen erledigt ist.[1] Mit freundlichem Gruss Ihr ganz ergebener A. Einstein. ALS (Andreas Alther, St. Gallen, Switzerland). [74 620]. [1]Schröter, President of the Naturforschende Gesellschaft of Zurich, had requested that Einstein provide a manuscript of his lecture to the society on 16 January, an obligation which Einstein initially refused (see Doc. 237). Relenting, he prepared the publishable manuscript ("das druckfertige Manuskript") the weekend of 21 and 22 January, with the assistance of a University of Zurich student, Otto Vollenweider (1887-1973) (see the following document). The manuscript was based on a stenogram of the lecture (see Naturforschende Gesellschaft Zürich. Sitzungsberichte (1911): IX) it was published as Einstein 1911i (Vol. 3, Doc. 17). 249. To Carl Schröter Bern [Zurich, 21 January 1911][1] Dr. Albert Einstein & Otto Vollenweider stud. phil. danken Ihnen herzlich für die herrliche Versüssung ihres Geschäftes.[2] Es ist nun alles durchkorri- giert. Heute Nachmittag und morgen wird Herr Vollenweider die Sache in die

