2 5 0 D O C S . 2 9 9 3 0 1 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 0 299. Nomination of Arnold Sommerfeld and Peter Debye as Corrresponding Members of the Prussian Academy of Sciences [ before 5 February 1920] [Not selected for translation.] 300. From Marcel Grossmann[1] Zurich, 14 Holder Street, 5 February 1920 Dear Albert, At Guillaume’s request I forward to you his handwritten and printed notes.—[2] A well-known young Parisian philosopher, Abel Rey,[3] whom I got to know last fall at an academic conference in Geneva, has just argued in a letter to me that it would be of value (understood in the math. sense) for the French public to receive orientation from one of your original papers on gen. relativity, which ought to be translated, because, as experience has shown, the more or less popular exposition attempts are disappointing. I would think that the essay “The Foundation of the Gen. Theory of Relativity” which you published with Vieweg should be trans- lated.[4] Do you think so too? Would you allow this? Should I write to the publish- er? Do you have a translator handy? Would you incorporate additions which the theory or experience has brought forth since? I think such a translation by Abel Rey would best disseminate the ideas in France and the whole non-German world (which, seen from Germany, certainly still looks non-Euclidean). Answer me briefly I would take care of everything else. With k[ind] regards between households, yours, M. Grossmann. 301. To Robert W. Lawson Berlin W.30, 5 Haberland St., 7 February 20 Dear Mr. Lawson, I have found the solution to our difficult arithmetical problem:[1] 1. You receive as translator 4 pence per copy 2. Vieweg receives 2 pence per copy for the translation rights 3. I likewise receive 2 pence for the translation rights, for that of the addendum covering the experimental verification, additionally 2 pence.
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