D O C . 1 9 7 D E C E M B E R 1 9 1 9 1 6 7 particularly for the young Viennese physics community.[2] I do not need to empha- size explicitly that for me personally it would be a very special pleasure to welcome you as a guest in Vienna. It probably goes without saying that you can avail yourself fully of me and my time. I would be very pleased to arrange your Viennese stay as pleasantly as pos- sible. At the same time I permit myself to ask you to be my guest during your stay in Vienna , without however wanting to impose upon you in any way, as I do not know your preferences in this regard. But you may rest assured that at my home you would find all conveniences and that you would not be disturbed in any way. You mentioned in your kind letter of 3 November that you are going to be in Switz- erland at the beginning of next year for the conference that will be taking place there regarding the organization of the university in Palestine and that you would inform me of the precise date of this trip.[3] Perhaps this trip could be linked with the talk at our society in such a way that you could stop in Vienna on your way there or back. You would oblige me quite particularly if you would send me your—as I hope— positive answer soon, because the Austro-German envoy in Berlin, Professor Ludo Hartmann, is coming to Vienna in the middle of December,[4] whereupon I could take the opportunity to discuss the essentials with my colleague Hartmann, so that all the necessary formalities could be arranged for you. This can be done prelimi- narily without any exact fixing of the precise date of the talk.[5] Furthermore, I ask you please, in the assenting case, to write me well ahead of time delivery of mail takes very long and is unreliable. So I ask you please to send it registered.[6] Since the fall of this year, Prof. Anton Lampa has likewise been in Vienna he relinquished his chair in Prague and serves as the official for public ed- ucation at the Austrian School Department.[7] He too will be entirely at your dis- posal and has entrusted me with his most cordial greetings to you.[8] In hope of your kind reply in the affirmative, I remain with my most cordial greetings, yours, Ehrenhaft. 197. From Erwin Freundlich Neubabelsberg, Town Hall, 6 December 1919 Dear Mr. Einstein, Please excuse me for reminding you to prepare an application that I receive a cost-of-living bonus like the gentlemen at the other Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes.[1] As