2 0 4 D O C S . 2 4 1 , 2 4 2 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 0 241. From Hedwig Kohn 2 January 1920 [Not selected for translation.] 242. To Heinrich Zangger [Berlin,] Saturday. [3 January 1920][1] Dear friend Zangger, Your long New Year’s letter pleased me very much—as far as I could read it. In any event, I saw that you do not take it to heart when I growl sometimes. I’m grate- ful to you for that. Surely now I must assume that Mileva is gone away,[2] Albert is with you, and Tete is in Aegeri.[3] I have sent what money I still have available in Zurich to Dr. Zürcher, who should disburse it.[4] I’d very much like to know, now, how I’m supposed to drum up Swiss money in the near future. I don’t want to incur any more debts.[5] I already have some with Mileva, who used up a part of her dow- ry because I could not give enough. Perhaps you can have Albert, for whom it’s a kind of exercise, tell me about all this. Now I am trying to find an apartment for my family in Freiburg, because Freiburg is healthier than Durlach and more attractively situated, and because Mileva probably would not like to have even a distant relative of mine as a support.[6] It won’t be that easy. My poor mother arrived here on Sunday with the nurse, Fräulein Doktor Tobler, and my sister.[7] Now she is lying in my study and suffers terribly, physically and mentally. She is attached to life with every fiber of her being. It seems that her tor- ments will last a long time yet for she still looks good, while mentally she has al- ready suffered very much under the morphine. But it was good that we brought her over here, since her relatives do console and distract her. Now, I’m not going to be coming to Basle for the time being, because, owing to political difficulties, discussions about the university affair had to be postponed to an unspecified date.[8] Bad though the trip would presently be, I am sorry that our seeing each other again has been delayed once more for an indefinite period. Please ask Albert whether the Bach scores for Tete arrived.[9] I bought them on the 9th of December already and still haven’t heard anything. Do also nudge him into writing me again sometime. It always delights me when I see his scribblings. A few days ago I saw Debye.[10] Desperate attempts are being made to keep him here, just as in Zurich to win him over. So there he now stands like Heine’s famous ass[11] —I know that confounded condition, which others often, very unjustifiably, perceive as enviable. As for me, since the light deflection result became public, such a cult has been made out of me that I feel like a pagan idol.[12] But this too,