2 1 8 D O C S . 2 6 2 , 2 6 3 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 0 your path not soon lead you to Frankfurt, whether for a talk here or in transit to Basle?[6] My longing is so great that it prompts me to pose importunate questions, which may, however, count as rhetorical.— With renewed hearty thanks and very best regards for you all, I am your truly devoted Oppenheim. P.S. My wife’s letter will follow as soon as her battle with the dictionary is over.[7] [4] Einstein’s dedication: “To young Felix Oppenheim | From us all, the Einsteins | So he has a souvenir | All immortalized here | A. E. pinxit.” 262. To Theodor Des Coudres Berlin, 16 January 1920 Dear Colleague, In my view Mr. Marx is a researcher who definitely meets the standards of the time in his field and who would seem worthy of an Extraordinary Professorship.[1] It is presumed that his qualities as a teacher lie on a similar level to his ability for written presentation (Handbuch für Radiologie).[2] The original scientific papers by Marx reveal acuity and competence, although not exceptional talent for re- search. I was not able to form a sure opinion on the cogency of his famous analysis on the velocity of X rays.[3] There is no absolute measure for a scientist’s worth. In taking into consideration the standards one tends to use in analogous cases, I am in no doubt about the ne- cessity to lend my support for Marx here. With kind regards. 263. To Attilio Palatini 16 January 1920 [Not selected for translation.]
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