I N D E X 3 4 9 biological selection, and inheritability of dia- lects, 313–314 Kang-fuh Hu, 142 Kant Society, general assembly, 304–305, 331 Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804): 322 AE on conception of time of, 87 and relativity, Rei- chenbach on, 317 and relativity, Rosenthal- Schneider on, 205 Kant-studien, 25, 29 Kapp Putsch: 314 AE on, 298 University of Berlin closed during, 300 Karr, Albert (1869–1927), 207 Katz, David (1884–1953), 273 Katz, Frau, 295 Katzenstein, Moritz (1872–1932), sails with AE, 82 Kautsky, Karl (1854–1938), 34 Kautzsch, Rudolf (1868-1945), on problems of obtaining scholarly literature, 318 Kayser, Heinrich (1853–1940), search for suc- cessor of, 129 Keyserling, Hermann Count von (1880–1946), 239 Klein, Felix (1849–1925): 19, 62 as editor of Annalen der Physik, 333 as editor of Mathe- matische Annalen, 192 on AE’s work on general relativity, 22 on physics at Universi- ty of Göttingen, 333 editing of his mathemat- ical papers, 22, 333 Klossowski, Erich (1875–1949), 239 Knopf, Otto (1856–1945), 122, 130 Koch photometer, 200 Koch, Alfred?, 71 Koch, Alice, 82 Koch, Caesar (1854–1941), 83 Koch, Jacob (1850–1925), 16, 71, 76 Koch, Peter P. (1879–1945), 41, 129 Koch, Robert (1879–1952?), 71 Koch, Walter (1889–1968), 18 Kohlschütter, Arnold (1883–1969), 9, 14 Konen, Heinrich (1874–1948), AE on, 83, 114 Konstantinowsky, Kurt (1892–?), 40 Koppel, Leopold (1854–1933): 8, 70, 285, 287 funds for AE’s PAW salary, 79 Korrodi, Eduard (1885–1955): seeking AE’s help to acquire scholarly literature for Central European institutions, 299 requests AE’s contribution to Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 299 Kossel, Walther (1886–1956), 12 Kossel–Born–Landé theory of chemical bonds, 125 Kottler, Friedrich (1886–1965): 292, 333 article for Encyclopädie der mathematischen Wis- senschaften, 227 on difficult conditions in Austria, 227 on radiation theory, 227 requests AE’s help to obtain position in Germany, 226–227 seeks position, 266–267 Kowalewski, Arnold (1873–1945), 305 Kramers, Hendrik A. (1894–1952), 84, 211, 311 Kroo, Jan, on orbital electron energy levels, 141 Krüger, Louis (1857–1923), against indepen- dence of Geodetic Institute, 112 Kuenen, Johannes P. (1866–1922): 81, 84, 193, 219, 252, 311 on special professorship for AE at University of Leyden, 173 Kuffner family, 96 KWIP. See Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut of Physics (KWIP) Lagrangian, in five-dimensional theory, 36 Lämmel, Rudolf (1879–1962), lectures on AE in Zurich, 298 Lampa, Anton (1868–1938): 221–223, 242, 324 fights for German University of Prague, 285 in Austrian Ministry of Education, 167 leaves professorship at German University of Prague, 42 requests AE’s opinion on Ehren- haft, 221–223, 239, 242 on times with AE in Prague, 242, 284 sends books, 285 Lánczos, Kornél (1893–1974): on electron theo- ry, 160 dissertation on electron theory, AE on, 228 requests AE’s help to do postgradu- ate work in Germany, 160–161 requests AE’s opinion on dissertation, 160 Landau, Edmund (1877–1938), and Hebrew University, 133, 143 Landau, Leopold (1848–1920): 100, 265, 287 special courses for foreign students at Uni- versity of Berlin, 265, 287 Lang, E., 5 Langevin, Paul (1872–1946), 98, 134, 309 Larmor, Joseph (1857–1942), reformulates gen- eral relativity, 146 Laub, Jakob (1882–1962), 328 Laue, Max von (1879–1960): 5, 83, 127, 161, 291, 301 his conditions for accepting a new position, 301–302 on optics of moving bod- ies, 122–124, 130–131, 180 on Seemann’s application for KWIP funds, 16
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