3 5 0 I N D E X Lawson, Robert W. (1890–1960): 156, 188, 208, 228, 250, 273, 324–327 congratulates AE, 152 offers to translate AE’s articles, 151 on Clarté, 208 on English edition of AE’s lec- tures on relativity, 272 on English edition of AE’s popular book on relativity, 188, 326– 327, contract, 325, resume and photos for, 272, royalties, 208–209, 249, 271, translates, 179, translation rights, 188 on harsh condi- tions in Germany and Austria, 188 picture gallery from his Vienna years, 154 on recon- ciliation between England and Germany, 188 requests AE article for Nature, 152, 154, 188, 199 solicits signed picture from AE, 154 wartime work at Institute of Radium Re- search, Vienna, 267 League of German Scholars and Artists, 215 League of Nations: AE on, 79, 170 American support for, 80 Fokker on, 141 Lecher, Ernst (1856–1926), 243–244, 260, 266 Lehmann-Russbüldt, Otto (1873–1964), 119 Lemke, Karl (1895–1969), 53 Lenard, Philipp (1864–1947), 17 Length contraction, demonstration of, and rotat- ing disk paradox, 65 Lense–Thirring effect, experimental test pro- posed, 150 Lenz, Wilhelm (1888–1957): 12, 41, 129, 286 curriculum vitae, 10–11 requests KWIP funds for research in quantum theory of mon- atomic gases, 11 Levi, Erna, 99 Leyden University Fund, funds AE’s special professorship, 149 Libert, Arnold (1887–?), 113 Libert-Weinstein, Janusch, 113 Lichtenstein, Léon (1878–1933), 26 Liebert, Arthur (1878–1946): 331 on Schlick’s Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre, 317 Light deflection, caused by light refraction: Em- den on, 180, 187 Lorentz on, 109 Light deflection, gravitational: 130 approximate values of, 98 as test of general relativity, 17 in Weyl’s theory, 129 confirmation hurts En- glish pride of Newton, 147 confirmation of, 98, 185, Eddington on, 128 daytime observa- tion, 146 half value, 185 relativistic and non-relativistic, Eddington on, 17 Light, effect on chemical reactions, 78, 134 Light pressure, Schwarzschild–Debye maxi- mum, 243 Light refraction, in solar atmosphere as cause of light deflection: Emden on, 180, 187 Lorentz on, 109, 187 Light velocity: in moving glass, Harzer on, 130– 131 in moving solids, Laue on, 122–124, 130–131, 179, Zeeman on, 179–180 Lille booklet, first version: AE on, 92, 137 in preparation, 74 on foreigners, 93 on French prisoner of war camps, 108 Lille booklet, second version: animosity toward, 214 in press, 214 Lorentz approves, 258, 297 Lindemann, Adolf F. (1846–1931): 145, 147 on observing light deflection by daytime pho- tography, 146 Lindemann, Frederick A. (1886–1957), 146 Lindemann, Rudolf, requests AE’s support for Student Association for Cultural Art at the University of Berlin, 103–105, declined, 108 Literature, scholarly, problem of obtaining in: Austria, 299 Germany, 299, 318, 332 Løchen, Arne (1850–1930), 332 Lodge, Oliver (1851–1940), congratulates AE on positive light deflection, 109 Lorentz contraction, and rotating disk paradox, 75, 77 Lorentz transformation: 231 in optics, 123 Lorentz, Hendrik A. (1853–1928): 10, 23, 67, 81, 84, 107, 136, 137–139, 186, 193, 202, 210, 214, 239, 257, 307, 310 announces solar eclipse expedition results, 130 approves sec- ond version of Lille booklet, 258, 297 con- dolences for Pauline Einstein’s death, 296– 297 congratulations for Grebe and Bachem’s results, 296 consults about German war crimes with French and Belgian colleagues, 31 efforts on behalf of Epstein, 290, 300 en- joys AE’s joke in Times (London), 173 meets with Ernest Solvay, 65 on AE’s inau- gural lecture, 257 on drag in a viscous fluid, 131 on refraction as cause of light deflection, 109, 187 on Planck’s intercession for Solvay, 128 on private commission to inves- tigate German war crimes, 30–31, 33, 67 on relativistic geodetic precession, 258 on re- vival of Institut international de physique, 65 on special professorship for AE at University
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