2 8 4 D O C . 3 3 8 M A R C H 1 9 2 0 it seems to me, I would prefer to stay in Frankfurt.[1] Since for me it would be in- sufferable to be so completely dependent (no other contacts) upon a small circle of puffed-up and mostly illiberal (and close-minded) academics.[2] Think of what Hil- bert had to endure with this company.[3] Something else must also be considered. If the necessity ever arises for Max to earn something on the side, which under these unstable circumstances cannot be dismissed offhand, it is incomparably bet- ter to live in Frankfurt than in Göttingen. On the other hand, though, life in Göttin- gen may well be much more pleasant for a housewife than in Frankfurt and better for the children too but that I cannot judge, because I am obviously not familiar enough with conditions in Frankfurt. Ultimately, it is not so important where one is settled. Best would be if you fol- lowed your own hearts, without reflecting too much. Besides, as a person with no roots anywhere, I do not feel myself authorized to offer advice. My father’s ashes lie in Milan. I laid my mother to rest here a few days ago.[4] I myself have been in- cessantly rambling about—everywhere a stranger. My children are in Switzerland so that, under such conditions, it is a major inconvenience when I want to see them. What a person like me imagines as ideal is being able to feel at home anywhere, with his loved ones he has no right to advise you on this matter.– The consideration about ion mobility interested me very much I think the idea is correct.[5] In my free time, I continually brood over the quantum problem from the relativistic point of view. I don’t believe that the theory can dispense with the continuum. But my attempts at giving tangible form to my pet idea of interpreting quantum structure through an overdetermination with differential equations refuse to succeed.[6] In the hope that this letter reaches all four of you in health and happiness, I am with best regards, yours, Einstein. Best wishes from my wife. I send my congratulations to Stern.[7] We are all very much looking forward to seeing Mrs. Born. 338. From Anton Lampa Hadersdorf-Weidlingen, 11 Stingl Alley, 3 March 1920 Dear Mr. Einstein, Your kind letter delighted me.[1] That you also have pleasant memories of your Prague period truly gratifies me. You may have belonged to Austria for just a short time, but its cultural history may be proud of the fine fact that it offered you the first full professorship.[2] That this is so makes me happy for the poor, suffering country I deeply love.[3] I thank you also for sending me your booklet, which was already