3 2 8 D O C . 3 9 2 A P R I L 1 9 2 0 For your travel expenses, accommodations, etc., the Diputació has fixed the amount of 3000 pesetas. I hope to receive a favorable reply from the Junta para ampliacion de estudios of Madrid in the coming days, as the Minister is occupying himself with this matter with the greatest interest. You could then hold both series of talks or lectures within a short time, one after the other, in Barcelona and Madrid. I already pointed out to both institutes how difficult it is for you to leave your duties.—We hope nonetheless that you will make it feasible and Spanish culture will be particularly obliged to you for your visit. In anticipation of your kd. reply, I sign very respectfully, J. Rey Pastor (in Leipzig until 26 Apr.) The Sociedad matemática española has long had the intention of translating your fine popular book [On] the Special and the Gen. Theory of Relativity into the Spanish language in order to acquaint its members with it, and specifically, publish it as a supplement to the society’s journal.[4] The Sociedad matemática would be very grateful if you could convince the pub- lisher Vieweg to grant permission to the society to this end. ————— I have not yet received the biographical article that Prof. Laub promised for the journal of this Sociedad matemática.[5] 392. From Moritz Schlick Rostock, 23 Orléans St., 22 April 1920 Dear, highly esteemed Professor, Yesterday your kind postcard arrived.[1] Very cordial thanks for it! I was already intending to write you today, namely—how could it be otherwise?—another letter of thanks. Mr. Bröse, the English translator of the booklet on space and time,[2] wrote me a short while ago that he wanted to share with me the proceeds that would arise from the sale of the little book, and he did not conceal that the inspiration for this magnanimous offer came from you.[3] I was deeply moved. If I could only shake your hand! Why must public life be so deplorable in a world where at the per- sonal level there is so much genuine noble-mindedness and generosity? I respond- ed to Mr. Br. that, in view of the exceptional living conditions in Germany, I gladly accept his suggestion and that I would like to see the eventual earnings spent in En- gland primarily toward procuring foreign literature, which otherwise has been as good as inaccessible to me.[4] It will surely please you to hear how enthusiastically Mr. Br. received and implemented your suggestion.